New boar bullying sow


New Born Pup
Jan 1, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, I have a pair of bonded sows, one spayed and one intact, ~4.5years old. Previously, they've lived amicably with a neutered boar of a similar age who passed after a few years, followed by a much older sow ~8years. They aren't cuddly but happily tolerate each other and their cagemates.

I recently obtained a new neutered boar from a reputable rescue, <18months, and tried introductions today after keeping them side by side for just over a week. I've read all the guidance on this forum on bonding/pairs in addition to the classic livejournal thread on introductions. The boar is very energetic and forward, to be expected I guess on account of his age, and is pretty relentless in mounting/humping my intact sow. She was initially a bit nippy but has come around and is now very passive with him -- I'd be confident that they could bond well over the next couple of weeks. The problem is with my spayed sow -- she bolts the second he comes near her and he chases, pulling her hair out. No noises other than mild teeth chattering from the sow once she's gotten away. I can't tell if he's trying to bite properly because the sow has very thick fur that would likely protect her from his teeth. They have an enormous space ~4x4m so she's able to avoid him for the most part, but the second they meet there's a chase until she gets away. I'm not entirely sure if this behaviour is going to subside but I'm leaning towards separating them. It seems like he's treating her like he would another boar. This might sound ridiculous but I'm wondering whether there's a chance that he might not realise she's a sow because she's spayed? He came from an out of control breeding disaster that started with 2 pigs and turned into more than 20, so he's only ever been around intact sows previously. I need to know if it's possible that he doesn't recognise her as a sow because I think I may have to return him, and if I try my sows with another boar from the same rescue, I may need to make sure he didn't also come from that group so that the same thing doesn't happen. Alternatively, is it worth keeping them separately until he's out of his boisterous teenage months and trying the bonding again then?