New bedding ordered

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
I bought this for the piggies,

I think it is like something I used for the rats years ago. I cannot keep them on hay indoors it is killing me and the hoover. So they will have hay racks in the hutch and live on this with puppy pads and some hay cookies.

I would mainly use the cardboard and nesting stuff for them and the cat litter type stuff for the gerbils.

Just wondered if anyone had used it and could give me a clue of how big the bale is! and what it is like to use

thanks xx
I use finacard from the same supplier. :D Its really good...i use a layer of puppy pads, newspaper and then a layer of finacard etc. Its a big bale...for 2 cages last me about 4-6 weeks..depending on how think of a layer i use. I have a new bale myself out in the hallway and its pretty big and heavy... but its well wrapped in thick plastic and tape so can be dragged/carried.

Jenny :)
66cm x 37cm x 33cm are the dimensions given on RatRations for a bale. It's a good substrate although I tend to find rat people recommend green mile over finacard (more finely shredded I think) although I've not used the latter because one of my rats developed an allergy to the finacard and I wanted to try something more different. I've got Fitch at the moment which is an even bigger bale and nice and soft but I think I'd like to mix it with something like papelit pellets because it seems to go smellier faster than finacard.

The papelit pellets are really good, a lot of people use them mixed up in with the finacard (or in litter/hay trays) which can be a really effective way of using it. I wouldn't reccommend papelit pellets as a sole substrate for gerbils though simply because they won't be able make tunnels through it.

I'm also sorry to say your hoover will hate finacard too, nearly as much as hay, and unless you and your piggies are super tidy it will get everywhere but you can at least sweep it up more easily before hoovering!
Thanks guys, the gerbils will get cardboard boxes and shredded paper as well and probably the finacard too! Am looking forward to not having hay EVERYWHERE, bits of card board will hopefully be easier to manage!

I might even put the hutch on some left over correx to make it easier to sweep up. hmm............

*goes off planning*
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