New Bed

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Stoke on Trent
I treated George to a new bed today after his week of putting up with 4 times daily eye drops. Of course, he had to fight Fred off it first...
It took a bit of shoving but in the end I think George made enough of an annoyance of himself that Fred gave up☺
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Eventually Fred went off in a grump and had a bit of a sulk.
Hahaha! We really enjoyed that! Especially Fred sulking! It looks like George is winking!:)
Hahaha! We really enjoyed that! Especially Fred sulking! It looks like George is winking!:)
George got up for a wee and Fred was straight back on there- now George is the one sulking on my knee! George always looks like that, he had to have his right eye out last year because of a hay poke. I thought he might lose the other one this week because it happened again, but luckily he got away with an ulcer that's now healing nicely with the drops instead of him stumbling around completely blind.
George got up for a wee and Fred was straight back on there- now George is the one sulking on my knee! George always looks like that, he had to have his right eye out last year because of a hay poke. I thought he might lose the other one this week because it happened again, but luckily he got away with an ulcer that's now healing nicely with the drops instead of him stumbling around completely blind.
Awww that's so sad! Poor gorgeous George! Thank goodness his other eye is getting better! Cheeky Fred too! Sounds like you (and George) have your hands full there ha ha!
The both look so happy and content. Beautiful piggies, thanks for sharing :)
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