New and need HELP!

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New Born Pup
Nov 26, 2013
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Hi everyone

Back in early Oct, a friend bought me 2 boars from pets at home as a present. Tesla is slightly smaller, white with a black and white face - quite lively and slightly crazy! Sporran is long haired, black and white and much quieter. He is also a bit bigger which lead us to wonder if he was slightly older?

The first week or two in their new home they snuggled together quite happily but then the trouble started. One evening after work we noticed Tesla had a cut lip - after further examination it was clear it was quite a deep wound and he also had a small 'claw hole' on his back. We sought advice and were told that they might need more space, so we bought a double decker cage (indoor) and put one home at the top and one home at the bottom, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles etc. First night was fine but second night all hell broke loose and we had to separate them.
Tesla tries to mount Sporran but Sporran is having none of it and teeth start chattering, fur rises and they go for each other.

For the last 5 weeks they have been totally separate. Tesla in the top bunk and Sporran downstairs. We took the ramp out and covered the hole.
Tesla doesn't seem bothered about being on his own - popcorns a lot, wheeks, does laps around his cage at 100mph, sleeps on top of his igloo?! but Sporran just seems withdrawn and not entirely happy on his own. Still eating though but very quiet.
So after reading up on it I have now put their cages side by side so they can see each other and am hoping to try some of the re-introduction techniques. But as I type they are both biting the cage bars next to each other (there is a gap between the cages) and are rumbling at each other.

I just feel quite sad, helpless and not knowing what to do for the best. I think both of them are lovely but I'm not sure they share that opinion of each other. I don't have room for getting any more (thought about getting them neutered and getting some girls but its not really feasible). So its not really turning out to be the lovely Guinea Pig owning experience I'd hoped for. Can anyone help?
Thank you, Kate
If blood has been shed, chances are they can't go back together and will have to be kept seperate. Sadly this means your one boar might be really unhappy. You could try and get him a soft toy, like those for babies and see how he does with that. Guinea pigs do usually feel happier when side by side if they don't get on but if yours are really bad there might be a chance of that not working.

You could try and take them both boar dating and let them try and choose a boar friend and if you really can't take in another guinea pig, you could hand one over to the rescue and take another rescue home that got on with one of your existing boars. I've had to do this and it broke my heart but after Arthur attacked Romano so viciously that the poor boy had bites up all of his back I took Arthur to a rescue and bonded Romano with a new, sweeter cage mate and they are the best of friends.

I'm not sure what else to suggest. Hopefully some more answers come along to help you.

You can try to re-introduce them, but in all honesty, chances are that they won't go back together, not after a fight with serious, deep bites to the face and rump. Unfortunately, pet shops sell babies for looks, not for character compatibility - and that can easily lead to fall-outs once the boys hit the big hormones at 4-14 months old. Sadly, you are not alone with this particular problem! :(
Here are our tips for re-intros:!-Simple-Dominance-Displays-or-Fighting

How big are their cages and where are you located? Small cages (and p@h are very good at selling them) don't help. Two boars should have a minimum of 2x5 ft (60x150cm) to have a chance to get away from each other when they get territorial.

The best solution for your depressed boy would be to date him under expert supervision at one of our recommended rescues with another, this time character compatible rescue boar. He clearly craves company!
Or you can have him neutered by an experienced vet with a good track record in piggy neutering in order to cut down on the still not uncommon risk of post op complications. You will need to factor in a full 6 weeks post op wait until your boy is 100% safe to go with a sow (I have a surprise baby from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post op boar - not one of mine - just to prove this particular point).
A mixed gender pair will need a minimum 2x4 ft (120x60cm) cage, as per RSPCA minimum recommendations for two guinea pigs. Please don't get any sows from pets@risk; the piggies are not gender separated during the transport from rodent farms on the Continent to the shops, which can result in the odd pregnancy (that is what happened to one of my first piggies when I started having piggies again; I've since gone rescue).
Here is our recommended good standard rescues locator:
Here is our piggy savvy vets locator:
Thank you so much Julesie and Wiebke. I will try some re-introducing techniques and go from there.
It is breaking my heart at the moment as they are both so cute and funny. I really wanted 2 that snuggled and got on. If we do have to do boar dating and give one up, I have no idea which one to lose! Gosh this piggy owning is traumatic!

I wish I'd read up about P@H before agreeing to get them from there. My friend got 2 girls from them last year and has had no trouble. But then Boys and Girls are different...human world as well! :)
Thank you so much for your help and advice. I'll let you know how I get on.
It is very difficult and heart-breaking. Would it be really impossible to have two cages on top of each other? You can get a cheap table if nessary for better access.

At least by turning to a good rescue, you can always go back if you run into problems and get their help in working them out, so you won't be left with two piggies that don't get on anymore!
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