New Born Pup
Hello! I’m new to the forum! My name is Charlotte and I’m the owner of 2 beautiful male guinea pigs named Rover and Casper, they are both about 3 years old. I’m looking for some advice and hopefully someone will be able to help me. For the passed 3 years I‘ve shared my bedroom with them which I’ve loved. However, the specific bedroom they are in is a bedroom in my basement (which is completely fixed over/heated) it’s a pretty generously sized room so it’s worked out fine sharing with them, however recently I’ve run into a few mental health challenges and due to the fact that the window in that room is rather small, there isnt much natural light in that room, during the day however I keep nice lights on for them so I think that’s okay, anyways the point of this is I think I’ll be moving to an upstairs bedroom in my house because it’s what my family feels fits best for me so I can have more natural light and be closer to the rest of my family rather than so isolated downstairs, we plan on making the room the piggies are in the full on guinea pig room. which I think is great! My one concern is do you think they’ll get lonley if I’m not with them as much, I still plan on spending time downstairs with them and I have hopes to do floor time, etc. but do you think the silence of being in the room alone will bother them, now of course they have each other which makes me feel better but I don’t want them to feel lonely without me being there so much. I love sharing a room with them but for my mental health I think it’s best to be in a room that provides more natural light and is more centrally located in my house so I can be closer to the rest of my family. I also feel sad I won’t see them as much, I’m not sure what to do.