New Addition

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 12, 2016
Reaction score
Suffolk, UK
At lunch time today i was in Pets At Home getting suplies for all the pets, and as always had to look at the Guinea Pigs whilst i was there...
So i saw this little lady, she was loads smaller than all the others and looked like she had been picked on as had some marks on her ear.....
Just had to go back after work and bring her home...
She only weighs 337g!
Once she has finished 2 weeks quarantine i will introduce her to my 6 month old neutered male.
We have decied to name this little one Phoebe.
I have been told today by someone that if i introduce her to my boy that they will fight and not get along.
I was under the impression a young female with a neautered boar would be a good match? She is 6-8 weeks and he is 6 months.
It's not true that they will fight.They may be fine.I introduced a boar to four of my sows and they are great.He now has eight sows with him and they are great.It's the personalities that matter
It's not true that they will fight.They may be fine.I introduced a boar to four of my sows and they are great.He now has eight sows with him and they are great.It's the personalities that matter
Thank you for replying.
I will stick to the original plan and introduce them in 2 weeks time and keep my fingers crossed!
Sunday is always weigh day. Phoebe has only been home since thursday night and had already gained 23g! She is now up to 360g. So proud of how well she is doing. She comes right out for her veggies and pellets.
Think she must be glad to be away from the piggies that were picking on her (and pets at home!)
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