Never See My Piggies Drinking....

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New Born Pup
Sep 3, 2015
Reaction score
Ashington, Northumberland
I never see my piggies drink but they wee lots ( only had them a week and a half ), they are both active and happy but the above does concern me.
Hello welcome to the forum.

Some piggies drink less than others... Are you using a bottle, if so give it a squeeze just to check it is working, you should see bubbles, flick the ball bearing also in case it is stuck - worth a check.

Our first piggies didn't drink that much our current gang do... If you are worried serve their veggies extra wet. We always give the coriander straight after washing it. Remember there is quite high water content in veg too, so maybe an extra slice of cucumber if you are worried.

What are their names?

I did start with a bottle but they just weren't interested, so I have a small bowl of water in for them.
Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure to serve their veg wetter.
They are called Itchy and Scratchy
i didnt see mine drink at all for months
but the water bottle was going down without leaking
they may be drinking when you arnt watching or at night
I didn't see my piggies drink for ages and was concerned that they weren't, or perhaps could not reach the bottle, or some such. But I noticed the levels of water were decreasing on a daily basis and they seemed healthy enough. I have now seen them both drink, so can confirm they can reach the bottle okay (not that this is a problem now that they are fully grown; but I was concerned when they were babies). Just monitor water levels and as has alreayd been said, check to make sure the bottle can actually dispense. I'm sure your two will be fine. =)
I did start with a bottle but they just weren't interested, so I have a small bowl of water in for them.
Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure to serve their veg wetter.
They are called Itchy and Scratchy

Worth keeping the bottle on also :) You may find they use it from time to time.

Could you add your location to your profile, just helps us tailor any advice if need ed to your location.

Great names, be lovely to see some pigtures of them!
Hopefully will have attached photos. The black, white and touch of tan one is Itchy and the ginger one is Scratchy. I know I'm biased but they are lush, totally cuties!


Hi and :wel:

They are gorgeous and will bring lots of joy and laughter :nod:

I agree with @sport_billy that you should leave the bottle in there also.

If they haven't used it already they will eventually get the knack of it and it is better than the bowl which they could knock over and then be without it.

I'm sure from memory it was a few days of spying on our first 2 piggies before we actually saw one of them drink out of the bottle. The other one only ever drank out of the bowl and we had to teach him to use the bottle ourselves.
They seem to pick things up quick, especially Itchy, he is more outgoing. I'll get the bottle back in and see how we get on.
Your right as well they are funny, I love watching them running round.
Awwwwww, they are beautiful :love:
I found my guinea pigs not drinkin after a few days they were fine, just settling in. I was told to make sure the veg was very wet
so I knew they were having water if only a little. Guineas eat more than drink. :-)
It was actually MONTHS before I ever personally witnessed my Kindle drinking from her water bottle. I never worried about it because the water level DID go down, albeit slowly, and she was clearly not dehydrated so I figured she was the sort of animal who was getting enough water from the fruits and veggies I was giving her and didn't need to drink that often.

When I finally saw her drinking from her bottle, I discovered what had been going on all along:
She was only drinking when she thought I was out of the room or asleep. Like, she was doing that on purpose. I don't know WHY, but as another example, I've never seen her sleep either -- she'll only do that hidden in her little house or snuggled under a blanket or my clothing. Pibs are just odd critters sometimes. :)
Hi and welcom.l loove your pics :hug:
Re the water in a dish,
Personaly l don't think it's a good idea,
I have a boals l bo not use in the garden and they are filled with rain water and also flies that have fallen in:hmm:

Personaly l wouldent worry to much about them drinking. They look in exelant condition to me :tu:
I am fairly sure mine do not drink from the bottle, the level does not go down. They do have a bowl and I make the veg wet. How do they know how to drink from it?
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