Never Heard This Noise Before? Help!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Bo'ness, Scotland
Okay so as I am typing this, Gus is making a rather strange noise, It's almost like a chirping noise? I'm not sure what this means but I've never heard any pig make this noise before. First of all can someone assure me that he is okkay? And second has anyone heard this noise before or know what noise I mean?
Ooh chirping. :)) It's very rare for piggies to make this noise... And quite an experience for the slave to witness it really. :) No one really knows what it means but I think you can tell by what situation they are in (scary, exciting etc) Hope that helped!

Both of my piggies chirp. I managed to record one of them doing it and played it for the ladies in my local pet shop who had never heard it before. It is an amazing sound. I am sure Daisy (my oldest chirping pig) was taught to do it by her sister Jasmine (sadly deceased) and Daisy now appears to be teaching her new sister Piglet.

Thanks, it seems like nothing to worry about then! Thank goodness! I wasn't sure what it meant but Gus seemed fine, he was chirping while eating some fresh grass. so I do hope to hear this again if I put more grass down today! :D Next Time it happens I will try to record it, its really cute actually ^)
Daisy normally does it in the middle of the night and I must say it is a very strange sound to wake up to :) I don't think she is scared when she does it, she didn't chirp at all after Jasmine died but started up when we got Piglet, I think she does it because she is happy. Piglet isn't very good at the chirp yet, she sounds a bit squeaky!
It's supposedly quite rare and it's not known exactly what it means. In 4 years of owning pigs I've heard it twice, once from Linney and once from Sundae. Very unusual, and they really do sound like little birds!
One of the pigs in sitting does this. Just one chirp then stops then another. I was walking around the house checking the smoke alarms lol
I've never heard it too. I'm hoping it means she's happy lol x
I think this is a sign that she's scared or sad... does she have a partner in the cage? it also represents loneliness :D sometimes they also make that chirping noise if they are hungry. guinea pig hate eating food or hay withh poop or bedding in it. check the food bowl and the water and makesure its clean or they ***;l get hungry and cry... hope this helped :)
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