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Hi just brought Scooby back from being castrated and the vet said to wait 1-2 weeks before putting him with a female is that right or should I wait longer say 3-4 weeks?

He seems a bit grumpy at the minute just fed him, hope he'll be ok.
I left my boys about 5 weeks before putting them anywhere near the girlies,1-2 weeks sounds a bit soon :o
Hi Goldilocks, I would wait 3-4 weeks to be safe. ;D Don't want any unwanted babies!! O0
oh no. no babies required ^-^

thanks guys thought 1-2 weeks sounded a bit soon :o :o
Thats much to soon you will have mini's if you follow that advice. I was told 5/6 weeks the longer the better really. xx
yeah vets can be a bit crap with regards to knowing when all baby making equipment ceases function. I would definately wait till 4 weeks to be on the safe side
It is only necessary to leave it 2 weeks. I have gone by the 2 week rule for a long time and never had a problem. I know of other rescues that also do the same. I believe the CCT also tell people 2 weeks. I also do the same with bunnies. With having had hundreds of rabbits and guinea pigs neutered and never once had an accidental pregnancy thats proof enough for me ;)
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