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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2014
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United Kingdom
So, forgive me if there is already a thread... (if so can someone point me in the right direction)

But... I am still pondering over the idea of having both boys done and getting them a wife pig each.

It will be simon who does it so no worry there....but... post op is what is bothering me.

Is it best to book a few days/week holiday so I can be around to make sure they are ok.

If things go down hill after I am very scared I won't be able to keep them going. ..

What are the main / common problems post op neutering if they arise? Any advice greatly appreciated!
My experience is limited, but I believe that more often than not, a boar will be back to his usual self within hours of a neutering op. Occasionally (as for me, and a few others at the rescue where I volunteer) they may take a little longer to pick up again and will need syringe feeding for as long as necessary, however if they are not eating at all then they shouldn't be released from the vets.

Post-open cleanliness will be crucial - aim to change towels or fleece at least twice a day for the first week or so and invest in some pet-safe disinfectant wipes in case he doesn't feel like moving much and sits in his own puddles.

In the months after the op, keep an eye out for any abscesses on or near the scars (which should be invisible) and head to the vet asap should this occur.

For Thor, I worked from home the day after his op for syringe feeding and he had picked up by the second evening to the point that I felt comfortable going back to the office and checked him at lunchtimes, but I guess whatever you feel most comfortable doing will only really become apparent once you decide to go ahead.

I hope that helps a bit! :)
So, forgive me if there is already a thread... (if so can someone point me in the right direction)

But... I am still pondering over the idea of having both boys done and getting them a wife pig each.

It will be simon who does it so no worry there....but... post op is what is bothering me.

Is it best to book a few days/week holiday so I can be around to make sure they are ok.

If things go down hill after I am very scared I won't be able to keep them going. ..

What are the main / common problems post op neutering if they arise? Any advice greatly appreciated!

If you are using Simon, both boys should be pretty much back to normal as soon as they are back home after the op, as if nothing ontowards has happened. ;)
The main problem are abscesses, but that said, the chance of yours coming down with one would be pretty unusual considering Simon's track record; you are using one of best neutering/operating vets in the whole country! Frail and/or older piggies of mine have simply sailed through much bigger and risky ops (like a huge bladder stone op on a just 540g light 5 year old piggy, who just bounced back and was back to over 700g within two weeks after the op) and I have never had any post op issues, unlike with other vets. Simon is so well practised that the operating time is very short and the likelihood of complications from GA is very small. ;)

Please contact the clinic promptly if one of your boys is losing his appetite/losing weight or develops a swelling in the groin area.

It is always an anxious time, and I am sure that you will be relieved when you get the call that your boys have come through the op well and are ready for pick up!
Brilliant thanks very much for your replies. I aim to get them " done" april time so I can book a week off and be with them.

I think having them done a month apart is prob better?

Or both at the same time?

I am very lucky to have Simon and know they will be in the best of hands.

I had to syringe Poe meds once and he did really well...Edgar however I think would take more convincing.

I will stock up on critical care etc before we take the plunge. Already have bought extra vetbed etc in the planning!
I would have them both done at the same time, so you can then go and date them at the same time for their lady loves.

It is certainly good to have Critical Care and probiotics at home in case of a sudden illness, so you can always step in as soon as their is problem.
Good, then this shall be my plan!

I have Avipro, Ccare etc all stocked with a very good shelf date.

Even though it worries me their overall happiness is what drives me. They seem happy but we all know to have a wifepig would be even better since they cannot be together. I have the room now also to completely separate their cages when they have a partner each so they can all be opposite sides rather than the cage split down the middle.

I am (hopefully) thinking this would be ok since they will have a wifepig each.

I know reading up if one had and the other didn't it could cause problems when a female is near and one was without?
They can still live next to each other in a mixed group; it is only if you have boar-only pairs that they are better kept out of line of sight and pheromones from sows. ;)
Brilliant. Thanks ever so. I think I need to do this while they are young enough to enjoy themselves. They are a year and 3 months old now! Plus when I'm at work they wont be so lonely!

Watch this space.... :)
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