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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2014
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United Kingdom
So, after spending alot of time with my boys I can clearly see that Poe my dominant boy enjoys living by himself. Edgar on the other hand sits in his corner litter tray so he can see Poe and looks a little forelorn. I wont brave boar dating as if it does not work out I will end up with 4 boys all seperate. ( sometimes at floortime it is Edgar that rumble struts and chatters when Poe comes near ) but it is Poe that tries to mount Edgar and bullying him. What I am getting at is I would like to get Edgar a girlfriend but I am scared to death of nutering... what if he dies under anthesetic? Or becomes infected?

Also if Edgar has a gf and Poe smells her will he become depressed or angry as they live side by side? Is it best to get them both a gf but if I do is it best to get them nutered at the same time or one after the other has healed? I know I have to wait until they are fully healed before getting them a gf... also whats the best way to introduce a girl to a boy? Obviously I wont just put one in the cage with them. I am stressing over what to do.. any advice very welcome :)
Neutering is fairly straightforward if done by a vet who regularly performs this op. Check the vet locator at top of page to see if you've got a piggy savvy vet nearby or check the rescue locator & ask your local rescue where they get their piggies neutered.
As Stewybus says, they key thing is to find a vet you are confident with and you should be able to ask them any queries you have about anesthetics etc.
I would say since you are new to neutering procedure (so am I btw, have just gone through it with one of my boars recently), it would be better for them to be done one at a time and then you can just care for one post operative pig at once. Hopefully they will be fine after op but sometimes they need some top up hand feeding to get them going and it is easier to do one pig at a time. I kept my post op boar on vet bed and he has healed very well but you are right to be concerned about the risks and do some research.

But before all of that I would like to say one last vote for boar dating. I know you are worried about having 4 singles but boar dating can be really successful as the boy gets to choose his friend and any good rescue will support you through that process and take back a boar that didn't work out if required.
Thanks guys I have Simon Maddock as my boys vet so I am very confident that they will be fine if i go ahead with it. I just worry that I will do something wrong to hinder the healing process...TEAS is near me too so I may try Boardating there first before thinking of operations....I will ring them tomo and have a chat :)Since Poe is totally happy and always pocorning I need to concentrate on Edgar! He is clearly sad he has lost his brother.
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Oh well I am quite jealous then! Great idea to talk to Debbie first about boar dating ideas and then move onto ops with Simon if that doesn't work. You sound to have a great plan. Debbie and Simon have helped me with my piggies and many others on this forum so you would be in v safe hands. Simon would give you tips on post op care and I am sure we can join in when / if you get to that. Good luck boys.
You are lucky that you have a few options due to where you live. If you do go ahead then Simon is definitely the man for the job. Is such a shame Rugby rescue has closed as she always had spayed sows. My Tim lives with a spayed sow - Sophie and he is unneutered.
I would have both boys neutered to live with a girl each! Simon Maddock is one of the most experienced and successful neutering vets in the country, so you can really consider this option.

I have a several neutered boars that were neutered after they repeatedly fell out/failed to successfully with boar bonding and that went on to a very happy "married" life! You will find that even though Poe is currently not unhappy, he will be a totally different boar with a wife!
I would have both boys neutered to live with a girl each! Simon Maddock is one of the most experienced and successful neutering vets in the country, so you can really consider this option.

I have a several neutered boars that were neutered after they repeatedly fell out/failed to successfully with boar bonding and that went on to a very happy "married" life! You will find that even though Poe is currently not unhappy, he will be a totally different boar with a wife!
In regard to introducing wives.. what is the best possible way to do this?
I've done quite a bit in last year introducing boars & sows. Maybe I'm lucky but I just put them in cleaned out run & there's been no aggro at all. I even had a problem last year with one sow, Minnie not getting on with my other sows. After I'd got her paired up with Mitch I then put them & the other 3 girls together in the run on the lawn & then just put them all together in the run & they settled down with Mitch sorting out the odd minor squabble. I now have Mitch with 3 girls & Rex with 2 & they're so laid back now, it's amazing.
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