New Born Pup
My young boars (almost 11 weeks) seems te be bonding at the moment, so there is no immediate reason to neuter them. But reading around on the forum, I do see that it can be wise to neuter them just in case for the future. For instance to be able to match with a sow if something down the line should happen to one of them and the other one is left behind alone. I know there is different opinions as to how old a boar should be, but here in the Netherlands they seem to adhere the 4 months minimum. There is a vet relatively nearby that does neutering for rescues, so I’m confident in their experience.
Should I neuter them for a just in case situation while they are young or should I just leave them? And if I should do it, should I neuter them at the same time? Or first one and then the other, and if so does it matter the dominant one first or the submissive one first?
Should I neuter them for a just in case situation while they are young or should I just leave them? And if I should do it, should I neuter them at the same time? Or first one and then the other, and if so does it matter the dominant one first or the submissive one first?