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Neutered Piggy Not Acting Normal


New Born Pup
Sep 14, 2018
Reaction score
This past Monday my little guy got neutered. The vet told me he'd be okay in about a week, but I've begun to worry about him. Out of my two, he is my most active, vocal, and friendly. I have seen him eat, so to say he's not eating would be a little far fetched. He eats his vitamin c tablet in the morning, eats all of his lettuce, and I've seen him munching over by his bowl a few times since his surgery. Before his surgery, he'd eat everything he could, especially his pellets. I feed him the standard Kaytee guinea pig pellets, and he's loved them since day one. Every time I come home his bowl is usually emptied, but ever since Monday there's barely any signs he's eaten at all. I'm worried he's not getting enough. Is this normal for pigs? he is also separated from his sister, and they're very close, so could it be he's getting a little depressed? Thank you to anyone who replies.
I would take him back to the vet to make sure he doesn’t have an infection or something. I had two piggies neutered and they were pretty much back to normal in a day or two, they both started eating right away. However, another piggy I had neutered developed an abscess and was not eating well, I took him back to the vet and he had to have medication and I had to syringe feed him.
This past Monday my little guy got neutered. The vet told me he'd be okay in about a week, but I've begun to worry about him. Out of my two, he is my most active, vocal, and friendly. I have seen him eat, so to say he's not eating would be a little far fetched. He eats his vitamin c tablet in the morning, eats all of his lettuce, and I've seen him munching over by his bowl a few times since his surgery. Before his surgery, he'd eat everything he could, especially his pellets. I feed him the standard Kaytee guinea pig pellets, and he's loved them since day one. Every time I come home his bowl is usually emptied, but ever since Monday there's barely any signs he's eaten at all. I'm worried he's not getting enough. Is this normal for pigs? he is also separated from his sister, and they're very close, so could it be he's getting a little depressed? Thank you to anyone who replies.


Please contact your vets asap and start syringe feeding with mushed up pellets and water if he is losing weight.
Tips For Post-operative Care

A list of possible post-op neutering complications can be found in this guide here: Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths And Facts