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Neutered Guinea pig abscess


New Born Pup
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
177, Tejgaon, Dhaka -1215, Bangladesh
I needed to reach out to you all because vet in our country is very backdated and not as promising. I need some help for my guinea pig baby.
He was a healthy adult, male, weight :930 grams. He was neutered on 18th February. The following day due to not getting the right antibiotics for him, there is a swelling on the surgery site. The swelling isn't coming down. My local vet is suspecting this is an abscess. Due to shortage of antibiotics, he has prescribed Cefixime instead of Chloramphenicol. I have been giving my Guinea pig Cefixime and syringe feeding him Since yesterday. Please help me out. I am in dire need of help.
Sorry to hear your boy is unwell. Did the vet suggest anything else aside from the antibiotics to tackle the abscess? Is he going to be reviewed over the coming days to see if there’s been any change?

Please switch to weighing him once daily (preferably morning) to see what his weight is doing. If he’s losing every morning then you have to increase the amount you syringe feed him during your waking hours.

Someone with more experience will be along soon to advise you further. Hope your boy gets better soon.
We've had a few with post neuter abscesses over the years. Our vets have always done a needle aspiration first to ascertain whether it is an abscess.
They've drained as much as they can with the syringe, then prescribed antibiotics for at least a couple of weeks. They've all been treated successfully thus way luckily, but it takes some time, and in some cases surgery is needed to either keep the abcess open for flushing, or to remove it.
Micah developed an abscess after he was neutered.
Our vet opened it and drained it.
He was on antibiotics and pain relief for a week.
He made a full recovery.

I hope your boy recovers well.