Neutered boars vs. Sows

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
I was just wondering whether people have had more success bonding new sows into an existing group of sows, or with neutered boars? I have 28 sows and 4 unneutered boars so I have no experience of neutered boars, however I have heard that it doesn't alter their personality and doesn't take away their desire to mount. Knowing my boars, that would also mean they are quite dominant.

Personally I have had so many success stories with bonding sows. I really do love my girls. For example, my Honey pig, who has somewhat of a twitch/headtilt was successfully bonded to Faith, an ex-breeder pig who attacks every other female she comes into contact with. They are an unlikely pair but very much depend on one another. Honey has taught Faith to be calmer whilst Faith has given Honey a confidence boost. I also recently got Buttercup, my lovely Sheltie rescue baby. I just popped her in the hutch with my group of existing 7 sows and they all crowded around her, wanting to sniff her and clean her over. They now get on like a house on fire, Buttercup has gained so much confidence from them.

What has everyone else found works best, particularly with younger, shyer or more nervous pigs?
I've only had one sow here who refused to bond with anyone - my Peruvian Cowpat. Even at a few weeks old she fell out with her mum then with every other pig I tried her with. I had 30 sows here at the time and we worked our way through them, she attacked them all, face on, like a whirling devil! Never seen anything like it, and she can ninja-kick like a pro!

She even went to Vikki's to see if she could pair her, and she beat up all of Vikki's sows too.

She's now living happily in a group with a neutered boar, 2 baby sows and an older sow and there is never a cross word.

Generally with my sows I've never had problems but I know them all so well that if I have a young or nervous one, I know who will 'nanny' her. My Fizz is great for this, she really looks after the littluns.

I think neutered boars are worth their weight in gold, I've got a large herd of 12 sows together and when the neutered boar that was with them died, all hell broke loose until I introduced another one. Same with Paddy and his girls.

Generally though if people want a pair or trio, we let people bring their sow to pick a friend and I've never had one back because they've fallen out.

i havent had a neutrd boar but i recently got a girl and tryed pairing her up with 2 ex breeders but they chased her all over she is 1 but she gets along prfectly fine with my 2 babys and 1s preg..i supose its like us we like 1 person not the next at a sanctuary were i work all her sows and neutred boars gret along fine but she once tryd 1 neured boar with a full boar but didnt work
When Minx died, there were no sows available for adoption, so Dizzy ended up with Llewelyn as a companion, and it worked extremely well. I have introduced two more girls a couple of months ago, and all went well.

Llewelyn can stand up for himself just fine, thank you! As a boar he's in a category of his own and doesn't interfere with the girl's hierarchy. As he has to get on with all girls, he can disperse some tensions, especially when the sows get grumpy when they are in season, as they have an outlet thanks to him.

I think it would be worth a try; it might be rather lively and very smelly for the first days and weeks (depending on how many come into season), but once the testosterone has died down, they get on fine. In nature, a group of sows is living with a boar, anyway, so they are geared towards it.

A boy won't dominate the group, as it is the girls who call the shots and will mate only when they are ready, and he will be busy courting them...
Ive had 2 boars neutured and it didnt stop the mounting at all! obviously it just stops them getting the sow pregnant, however all my boys did was sit back when the sows were "in one"

I had one sow, Dizzy who would not get along with anyone, and went for the neutured boars neck really badly but after a few weeks she settled in with a group of sows and gets on really well with Willow and is a great "aunt" to any pregnant or mums we get in, she'll take charge of the babies if the mum isnt sure what to do and always settles next to the mum once shes ok with babies as if to say I'm here if you need me.

Ive had groups of sows that will all mingle in runs fine together but all hell breaks out when I try and mix them together in the hutches/cages, I'm a very strong believe that with pigs it doesnt matter what sex they are its the personalities that change the way things go sometimes.

one thing I have found though is, with boars if you try and pair any up at least in seconds you know if its love or hate but with sows the whole dymaic can change when they come into season and this didnt alter even with a neutured boar in the group
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