Adult Guinea Pig
I was just wondering whether people have had more success bonding new sows into an existing group of sows, or with neutered boars? I have 28 sows and 4 unneutered boars so I have no experience of neutered boars, however I have heard that it doesn't alter their personality and doesn't take away their desire to mount. Knowing my boars, that would also mean they are quite dominant.
Personally I have had so many success stories with bonding sows. I really do love my girls. For example, my Honey pig, who has somewhat of a twitch/headtilt was successfully bonded to Faith, an ex-breeder pig who attacks every other female she comes into contact with. They are an unlikely pair but very much depend on one another. Honey has taught Faith to be calmer whilst Faith has given Honey a confidence boost. I also recently got Buttercup, my lovely Sheltie rescue baby. I just popped her in the hutch with my group of existing 7 sows and they all crowded around her, wanting to sniff her and clean her over. They now get on like a house on fire, Buttercup has gained so much confidence from them.
What has everyone else found works best, particularly with younger, shyer or more nervous pigs?
Personally I have had so many success stories with bonding sows. I really do love my girls. For example, my Honey pig, who has somewhat of a twitch/headtilt was successfully bonded to Faith, an ex-breeder pig who attacks every other female she comes into contact with. They are an unlikely pair but very much depend on one another. Honey has taught Faith to be calmer whilst Faith has given Honey a confidence boost. I also recently got Buttercup, my lovely Sheltie rescue baby. I just popped her in the hutch with my group of existing 7 sows and they all crowded around her, wanting to sniff her and clean her over. They now get on like a house on fire, Buttercup has gained so much confidence from them.
What has everyone else found works best, particularly with younger, shyer or more nervous pigs?