Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi, we have one neutered boar with 6 sows. One of the sows and the boar were from the same rescue, adopted a few weeks apart. Harvey seemed to recognise Daisy and they have always got on fine as do the rest of the herd. They live indoors in a large 3 floor C&C cage ,and come out into a pen at night for about 2 hours. Recently Harvey has been picking on Daisy, especially in the pen. He goes out of his way to approach her, sneakily at times and either pecks her and chases her to peck again, or stands right next to her motionless d for a few seconds then pecks her. Any ideas?
Is there anything we can do? It would be difficult running another cage and a shame to split the herd but we can't leave Daisy being bullied
They are aged approx 2-3 years.
Is there anything we can do? It would be difficult running another cage and a shame to split the herd but we can't leave Daisy being bullied
They are aged approx 2-3 years.