Neutered boar having his wicked way keeping me awake

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Bathgate, Scotland
Ok so Harry has been having his wicked way every few minutes with ALiza. I have had them for a few months now but this is the first time shes had a full blown heat and allowed him to mount and the result is complete caos. Aliza squeeks, Laila squeeks and chirps and Theo is constantly sending get off her weeks acroos the partition. The noise is horrendous so much worse than when Laila goes into heat.
I know it only last two days but I'm totally exhausted, is there a way to calm the behaviour? Any safe herbs that could help dull his labido? Would a dog D.A.P be worth trying?
Anyone else had a similar experience and how did you cope?
I banished Womble to the hallway overnight just to get them all to calm down!
I'm having exactly the same problem with max ( a neauted boar) he cant get off my new piggy lily so i have simply watched over them however if it gets soo bad i would seperate them. i think around now piggys would be finding mates so it should blow over soon.-c
It's always worth adding a teddy to the cage - as long as it is piggy sized and has an attractive back end it may well help with the extra hormonal shenanigans. A teddy won't squeal, object or run away from the amorous advances of a naughty boar.

As demonstrated by Norman.

With the desired outcome - peace and quiet!


Suzy x
Unfortunately for me it's the girls that make all the fuss. At this moment Lexi is chasing Freya around the cage trying to mount her while Archie is curled up in his bed rolleyes
I love the piggy porn pictures; think tomorrow I'm off to the charity shop for a teddy for future heats! Never thought of a teddy, any advice on an attractive back end?rolleyes
Yep, sounds like our house - when it gets too bad I go and sleep in with my daughter.
Ok so Harry has been having his wicked way every few minutes with ALiza. I have had them for a few months now but this is the first time shes had a full blown heat and allowed him to mount and the result is complete caos. Aliza squeeks, Laila squeeks and chirps and Theo is constantly sending get off her weeks acroos the partition. The noise is horrendous so much worse than when Laila goes into heat.
I know it only last two days but I'm totally exhausted, is there a way to calm the behaviour? Any safe herbs that could help dull his labido? Would a dog D.A.P be worth trying?
Anyone else had a similar experience and how did you cope?
my goodness! :red i'm going to show this to my mum, she just had beano neutered and is getting him a couple of wives in a week or 2, so she has this to look forward to! hahaha! x

P.s suzy that just made me giggle! your piggy looks like he has the same reaction as my fella after rudey time ;) x
It's always worth adding a teddy to the cage - as long as it is piggy sized and has an attractive back end it may well help with the extra hormonal shenanigans. A teddy won't squeal, object or run away from the amorous advances of a naughty boar.

With the desired outcome - peace and quiet!


Suzy x

He looks pretty pleased with himself!
Very cute! But would you really want it covered in boar glue? :))

Suzy x
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