Neuter Rowdy Boars?

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Hay guys~

Kayso. For ages now, Laurie is always trying to be the dominant boar - almost every day he will strut and rub against Fry, and try to mount him. Fry usually just gets annoyed and runs away, or blocks himself in the house so Laurie can't get in, or jumps to get him out of the way.

A few weeks ago - during the night, I heard Fry chattering his teeth because of it, but they soon settled down.

A little while ago just now, Laurie was being particularly persistant, and Fry started to chattering his teeth and Laurie kept pinning him. So I took Laurie out for a while to calm down, held him on my lap whilst he tried to eat the ribbons on my dressing gown. When he seemed calm, I put him back in the cage - but he started up again straight away, and poor Fry is not amused.

I'm not sure what to do! When I move to MK on saturday, I worry that when I get a job that Fry may have to resort to violence whilst I'm not there. Do you think this is a possibility? Aside from this, they get on fine!

My sister keeps telling me to get them neutered, but to my knowledge that's only done for sexual reasons, not for dominance in two brother boars - unlike with rats, which you get neutered early on to calm their hormones down.

Any advice?
it sucks that they carry on like that and a worry that when youre not there ,there will be blood and guts everywhere :(
boars are a pain once they get like this, the only real thing you can do is separate them and to either try bonding them with another male or to get them neutered for pairing up with females.

I doubt that neutering has effects on them like you said :)
The thing is - I won't have room for another cage. D: So I can't really seperate them.

I don't know if I could stand to put one up for adoption in order to get a female. :C
I see your point, but once they do start to get 'niggly', getting them to be 'friends' again is virtually impossible.. Have you tried vick on their bum and noses?

Sometimes works - kinda disguises their own smells, so they are like 'ooh, you're new'! :)
Ooh, I'll have a go at that. C:

My sister has expressed interest in adopting Laurie, but to be honest - she's convinced that all he needs is neutering and being kept on his own. There's no way I'm letting two people who work adopt my guinea pig, and keep him by himself. =/ I'd have to try and find someone personally to adopt him, who has knowledge of guinea pigs, or take him to a rescue.

So okay.

If it doesn't calm down, if it gets worse - I'll have to do that.

It's just that they're fine when this isn't happening - but today it's been really bad, and I think Laurie has been chattering his teeth as well. He's still harassing Fry. =/
aww, I do hope it works out for you :)

Any way you can get either a 2 tier hutch or large cage? 3 of my girls used to be in a large adapted chinchilla/hamster cage with 3 floors - we made ramps and that. Could easily be split in two? I'll try and get a photo if you like?
I can't get a larger cage, unfortunately, as the room I'll be moving into is very small.

All of the 2-3 level cages I've seen have had really horrible ramps. o_o; Unfortunately I'm not very good at making things, but I could give it ago once I see how these two behave.

I'm currently about to Vicks them up. ;3
Well.. That didn't work. XD

I seperated them to do it, then put Laurie in first - put Fry in a moment later.. As soon as Fry was in the cage, Laurie instantly mounted him - didn't care about scent.

So I got them some carrots to distract them - started off fine, both munching away on the carrot tops.. Then Laurie started again. I even bopped him on the head with the carrot a few times, but he didn't stop - that's the first time he's done it whilst I was sitting right in front of the cage.

Darky said:
Well.. That didn't work. XD

I seperated them to do it, then put Laurie in first - put Fry in a moment later.. As soon as Fry was in the cage, Laurie instantly mounted him - didn't care about scent.

So I got them some carrots to distract them - started off fine, both munching away on the carrot tops.. Then Laurie started again. I even bopped him on the head with the carrot a few times, but he didn't stop - that's the first time he's done it whilst I was sitting right in front of the cage.


lol @ bopped with a carrot
As they're not violent or whatnot (yet :C) and when Laurie isn't being silly, they seem to get along fine (Despite no longer sleeping together like they used to)..

I've decided that - if my girlfriend's family can adopt Laurie and get a female to go with him, I will get them both neutered and seperated. So I'll get a girl for Fry, and Laurie will go to my girlfriend's family and they'll get a girl for him. My girlfriend's little sister would probably like to look after them and she's very responsible (as are her parents, and I'd be around to help her out) and they've never had pets in their house before.

If they can't adopt Laurie - I'm not going to seperate them, unless they become violent. Because I just really don't want to give Laurie to my sister or a stranger, I'd like to be able to check up on him and make sure that he's being cared for. I love them both! The only reason I choose Fry over Laurie is because of Fry's part-Sheltie coat which is irresistable to me, but also because Fry is the submissive piggie, and he's less social.
I swear they go thru a certain stage,Cocoa is being like that with his dad right now and theyre forever having an arguement,his bro's are fine though,they just keep out of the way in case theyre dragged in with handbags ready,his dad just sits under the hidey place trying to avoid conflict
It's just that I've had them for 3-4 months now, and it started when they finally got really settled in, and has only gotten worse. :C
Well it's probably for the best, as opposed to going to work and coming home one day to find one of them injured. :C I'm moving on saturday, so unfortunately I can't really wait it out because I'd rather get them neutered before my parents bring them to my new place.
apparantly it wont change there behaviour harry is EXACTLY the same as he was before teh op towards males x
Ed and Zub did it when Ed reached maturity but Eds a softie so one chatter from Zub and they where lovers again! lol
Unlike dogs and cats, the only difference that neutering will make is the ability to father babies. Though there are few that it will make a difference with, neutering a guinea pig can be very expensive and risky, as they might not make it through the surgery. So my advice is to only neuter a boar if you are planning on housing him with a female. Hope I could help!

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