Neurology and breast screening?

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Jan 23, 2006
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Had my appointment in the post with a load of stuff on breast screening. Now, the thicky me is here again - is this connected with neurology or have they just sent it for reference?

Only when I receive an appointment, it's always just that and nothing else.

Any ideas?
kellyandpiggies said:
Had my appointment in the post with a load of stuff on breast screening. Now, the thicky me is here again - is this connected with neurology or have they just sent it for reference?

Only when I receive an appointment, it's always just that and nothing else.

Any ideas?

Can't see the connection? Is your appointment with a neurologist?
Breast screening (mammogram) is usually only offerred to women over 50 in our area. Do you mean they are sending you leaflets on self examination Kelly? If so maybe it is routine, but unusual?

my nuerologist is concerened with my brain ( yep theres one there) and he deals with things like MS Parkinsons etc nerve and brain conditions,cant see the connection to breasts maybe hes a boob man, :o
I doubt they would ever find a brain in my head,theyd have to send a search party out for it
I can't understand this. As Barbara said - mammograms are for much older women.
Can't see the connection? Is your appointment with a neurologist?
Breast screening (mammogram) is usually only offerred to women over 50 in our area. Do you mean they are sending you leaflets on self examination Kelly? If so maybe it is routine, but unusual?


My sister and I will start are Breast Screening at 40 because of our family history
My appointment is mean to be with a neurologist about my FA, but in this breast screening thing, it says appointments take no longer than 2 hours and says I can bring hubby etc with me! Detailing what can happen at the appointment :o

So am I right in thinking they sent me to a wrong ologist? :-\

I mean on the phone yesterday the guy at the booking place repeated 'appointment with neurology consultant' back to me :-\ :-\

somethings gone wrong here dont you think,. one of our friends is bricking it her sister of 48 has been diagnosied with the spreading breast cancer she had an op to remove the lump and is now on cemo and then radiation but their mum had breast cancer dad died of lung cancer and now,mum is dying and things look bleak for her sister, she is having the mammogram at 44 end of month because of family connection she is worried sick her sister has a 5 year old son and her hubby died at 35 4 years ago when her son was 1 he died of heart attack at christmas their mum is German and a lovley lady who spoke to us about her familys experiences during WW2 funny getting the other sides view , I dont think the familys had too much luck have they?
Does sound terrible MIchelle :(

Well I had another appointment letter this morning - for the same dr at neurology - no other info so am hoping it was a mistake letter
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