Nervous with handling


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 13, 2018
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I'm sooo nervous handling my two guinea pigs, had them about 5 weeks. I'm trying to hold them so they get used to it but one in particular squirms and tries to jump out my hands every time! So worried I drop them or they escape and run off (and itll take me forever to catch them again) what do i do? Want to get them used to handling so eventually my 7 year old can sit with one in her lap? But they literally look fora way to escape and hide everytime!
I'm sooo nervous handling my two guinea pigs, had them about 5 weeks. I'm trying to hold them so they get used to it but one in particular squirms and tries to jump out my hands every time! So worried I drop them or they escape and run off (and itll take me forever to catch them again) what do i do? Want to get them used to handling so eventually my 7 year old can sit with one in her lap? But they literally look fora way to escape and hide everytime!

Please take the time to read these guides here. They tell you exactly what to do.
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips

These guides are part of our New Owners' collection which addresses specifically all the areas we get the most questions and concerns about. You will hopefully find it both interesting and very helpful as we have tried to make the guides as practical as possible.
Getting Started - New Owners' Most Helpful Guides