Nervous owner


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 16, 2017
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I have owned my guinea pigs for around 3 years now, lately I have found myself to be quite nervous with them.

one of my boys has a deep ulcerated cornea which I have been treating with drops and anti biotics for about 3 weeks, he has been quite nippy as I am sure he doesn’t enjoy having his eye poked and prodded. Now another of my pigs has hay poke and is also on drops, he is slightly less friendly and less tolerant and I am finding the constant battle to get the drops is making me worry as it is obvious the boys are stressed out every time they come out!

prior to this we have had no issues other than some slight ringworm right at the beginning which was brought with them from the breeder.

any kind words of wisdom/ advice and reassurance is welcome, I love my boys and they are my fur babies but I don’t feel like a top owner at the moment! 😞
Hello gosh you are having a hard time. As are your boys.Sounds silly from me but are the boys only coming out for their Medicine ? Cuddle time and a little treat at other times might help. Maybe as you’re a bit nervous that is transmitting to your piggies ? If you are nervous and expecting a bite (which must be very difficult for you) - you could wear cotton gloves which will protect you but be comfortable for the piggies. I’m a new owner so it’s only helpful advice I can offer but I’m sure the wonderful more experienced owners will offer lots of advice !
I feel exactly the same at the moment. I am having to give one of my girls antibiotics and she isn't as trusting with me as she was prior to this. She was an extremely trusting piggie and at the moment she is wary of me. Also I am having trouble getting the antibiotics into her and this is stressing me and her out.
I was feeling low about it and my friend said lucky that Bindy was with me and not someone else who may not have even noticed she was sick or taken her to the vets.
She is right, its really hard going when they get sick, but what we are doing is for their best whether they know it or not and it shows how much you love them.
I wanted to add, Stay strong, you are an awesome guinea pig owner in my books! Once its over, we will win their trust again with a bit of time.. and veg.
I feel exactly the same at the moment. I am having to give one of my girls antibiotics and she isn't as trusting with me as she was prior to this. She was an extremely trusting piggie and at the moment she is wary of me. Also I am having trouble getting the antibiotics into her and this is stressing me and her out.
I was feeling low about it and my friend said lucky that Bindy was with me and not someone else who may not have even noticed she was sick or taken her to the vets.
She is right, its really hard going when they get sick, but what we are doing is for their best whether they know it or not and it shows how much you love them.

it is a struggle to get the drops and anti biotics in for us as well! I think that’s why I’ve been nipped a few times! The other thing is once the poorly pig has been out, his dominant friend starts chattering once he goes back in, unfortunately I don’t always have time to take him out too as I am still working and trying to do 4 lots of drops a day! 😔

thank you! Just feeling very rubbish about it all x
Don't feel rubbish, you are doing your best to treat your piggies even if they don't appreciate it. I find giving them little treats afterwards helps a lot. A piece of their favourite veg or small piece of fruit or a washed dandelion leaf can work wonders.
Hope your piggies feel better soon.x
Don't feel rubbish, you are doing your best to treat your piggies even if they don't appreciate it. I find giving them little treats afterwards helps a lot. A piece of their favourite veg or small piece of fruit or a washed dandelion leaf can work wonders.
Hope your piggies feel better soon.x
They have been getting treats after! All the treats for being such good boys!
Aaaw, tough times for you and the boys.

As others have said, even though none of you are enjoying this time you actually are doing the right thing for them (even of their piggy brains don't appreciate it). This is only a temporary situation and, because of your good care, once their eyes are better you will have plenty more normal and happy times together 😊
Thank you everyone!

one boy is at risk of losing his eye, but shall cross that bridge when/if it comes to it! Worrying about the dominance of Snowys buddy too! Saw him humping his head earlier 😞
What rascals! Hope you’re ok and hope the boys are too and improving ! As you say cross each bridge as and if it happens ! Everyone here is supporting you all ! Take care 💝
it's hard when you have to give them medicine, you feel awful when they obviously don't like it... but you are doing a great job.... as mentioned, cuddle time with a treat might help and no medicine...