Nervous Guinea Pigs

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Piggie Life

Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 15, 2012
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Two weeks ago I bought home two female baby Guinea Pigs who are now 8 weeks. They have trouble with a fungal infection and I have to spray them with a spray twice a day. They don't seem to enjoy this but it has to be done so it doesn't get worse. They obviously don't enjoy this process and it makes me feel mean. When I go to pick them up from their hutch they run away and make noises implying that they are terrified. When I do pick them up they dart their heads around and try to squirm out of my hands sometimes. I did once manage to hand feed them some Romaine Lettuce but that was before I started treating them for their fungal infection.

What can I do to make them less timid around me?
You have had them a few days! Of course they are going to be scared of you. Guinea pigs are prey animals and very timid. It takes them a long time to feel confident and trust you. The infection they have is not helping as they associate you with spraying them which scares them. You have to be very patient. Take it slowly and be gentle with them. Hold them every day for short periods of time. You can hold them under a fleece so they feel safer. Guinea pigs feel safe if they are hiding and think you cannot see them. Make sure you have hidey things in their home so they can feel safe in there too.
You have had them a few days! Of course they are going to be scared of you. Guinea pigs are prey animals and very timid. It takes them a long time to feel confident and trust you. The infection they have is not helping as they associate you with spraying them which scares them. You have to be very patient. Take it slowly and be gentle with them. Hold them every day for short periods of time. You can hold them under a fleece so they feel safer. Guinea pigs feel safe if they are hiding and think you cannot see them. Make sure you have hidey things in their home so they can feel safe in there too.
I've had them for two weeks not a few days.
Two weeks is nothing for a guinea pig. I have had Peronel for four years and she still runs from me!
I've had my boars a couple of months and they're now about 4 months old and still very nervous and jumpy. With continued patience you will see an improvement but as i was quite rightly told - trust is a slow and tender plant that takes time to grow. I understand your worry that having to do the spray treatment is making them even more nervous around you - one of my boars has a little 'problem' meaning i have to put vaseline on his bits regularly which he hates!

To minimise the trauma try to spend a lot of time talking softly to them while they feel safe in their cage. Whenever they get veg i sit with them for ages gradually have been able to hand feed them so now they associate me with nice food not just vaseline! It may help to put some sort of conveyance into the cage that they can get used to going in and out of - then you can lift them out the cage in this and avoid having to grab them for treatment. Also if your cage is on the floor I've found it helps to raise it up onto a table - piggies hate people looming over them and are more comfortable when you approach them on the same level.

Best of luck!
Thanks for the reassuring advice. I'm really happy because I hand fed my Pigs some Dandelion today while doing their spray treatment so I'm really happy about that! And there infection seems to be getting much better so hopefully I won't have to do it for much longer!
That's great - very brave little piggies to handfeed after just 2 weeks - especially with all the spraying! Just be patient and try to imagine what it must be like for them! A fleecy pouch might be a good thing to buy - they can snuggle up in it whilst you pick them up. There's loads of good advice on here I've learnt a lot since getting my boys. Add some pics when * can! :)
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