nervous boys

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
Morpeth, Northumberland
Hi Guys

just a quick query, i have had my boys 6 weeks (they are only 8 wekks old) and they are still extremely nervous

they live in my livingroom and despite spending lots and lots of time talking to them, getting cuddle cups for when i try to give them laptime (they freeze and dont look like they are enjoying themselves at all) , sitting next to their cage they still dash into bed if i so much as shift position in my chair and getting them out for floortime is very stressful (they scramble to get off me and dash off the second they are in their playpen)

I realise it's a long process to get piggies to trust you but is there anything else i could be doing to make them relax a bit more?
Donna x
i had one pig for 3 and half years and he was always like that, just think he was shy, or not particularly sociable, the other i had was completely the opposite x
You're doing all the right things. It is mostly a case of time.

I lay on the floor with my girls during floortime. I lay on my stomach and they're now brave enough to come and sniff my face and nudge my leg.

However, I could be sitting on the sofa whilst they're all in the cage and if I so much as scratch my nose they all scarper into their hideys. It's in their nature to run first and check if it's safe afterwards.

When I first got my girls I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor next to their cage, perhaps reading a book or watching tv. I felt it helped for them to have me close by but not always trying to 'interfere' with them. I also use the same phrases- usually 'good girl' in a particular tone of voice when I pick them up/ stroke them/ put them down. I've carried this on to when I reach my hand out to them (without touching), moving on to them sniffing my hand, letting me touch them (or just not running away), letting me stroke them. It's a long process (months). And of course, lots of rewards- parsley and flaked peas are favourites.


Any piggie i have had has been nervous to start with. My boys enjoy the cuddleing and attention from me now but for the first approx 6 -10 weeks they were very vary, it just takes time.
speaking softly helps and talking softly as you approach the cage aswell. although as much as a piggie may relax with you i always find that they will run into their hidey holes at the slightest noise whilst your on the sofa etc..
As mentioned earlier it is in their nature to run first and check later .
unfortunatly i have not found any other remedy than time spent with them and their getting to know you and their surroundings :)
You are doing right; just persist - and you will see improvements creeping in, little by little!
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