Nervous Boys

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Jul 9, 2007
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North Norfolk UK
My three 'Essex Boys' are making me worried :-\
Had a major clear out of the shed today (I Know Vikki But Shed tetris is fun! x8) )
Put them under cover on the patio next to some other of my horde
Wll put them in a cage run 5ftx2 1/2ft and an old hutch with no wire door and they totally panicked! they sat next to the hutch and kept running around itevry time i moved and only went in when i put them in!and they didn't move!
and when i told George the Dog stop stop eating guinea pig poo (my dogs favourite treat!) well they went beserk!trying to climb up the cage and everything!
freaked me out!
even now in cage they trash their area anything in their igloos etc get upped and not till i replaced the iglo with three card tubes did they then settle But if i raise my voice or move past thier cage they scramble all over each other and then Melchior freezes staring at me Balthazar does the same and Kacper runs around then cautiously approaches
staring at me!
It makes me wonder what else happed to these guys!
(they where from a breeder ex-stock who contacted the rescue saying take them or pts they are about 8 months old housed 4 or 5 to 1 foot square cages)
any suggestions in helping these chaps?
Ahhhhh :( Mine do this when i put them in there large run too and climb up the sides frightened to death :-\ I think it may be due to their past and ive heard guinea pigs do get scared when put in a really large area as it scares them :)
Aw, the poor little things.
The only thing I can suggest is time! Our Roly was very nervous when he came to us, but ever so slowly he's got better, but still pegs it if we try to catch him..
Could be that they make each other worse too - Roly used to jump out of his skin when he was next to Scruffy, who is a bit hyper.
I'm sure they will come round in time, they are in a much nicer place with you (and your crazy dog George! Fancy eating pig poop! xx0)
both dogs eat poop!
they will even get in to the sack where i put it before it gets composted!
But its the pure terror they have on thier faces bless them otherwise they are cheeky chaps trashing their cage!

the boys



Looks can decieve!
eccles was very frightened when we got him, i put it down to the animals howling and being upset (he was from a vets) with lots of love he is getting there but is still a little nervous although he let me pick him up today! :)

thats all iut takes is time, its horrid to see them upset. fingers crossed for them x

Horror! :smitten:
Aw, they are lovely little boys. I hope they settle in soon, and well done on rescuing them! How could anyone want to put them down? :'(
have you got names for them? They have such sweet sad little faces.

Horror makes me laugh!

And as for George - what a naughty boy. it must be something in the name - our rabbit George is very naughty and will poop all round Marble's pen to annoy him!
The two boys I took on as fosters from Starshine came from overcrowded /small accomodation and would climb the sides of the cage. I put them in gradually increasing sized cages and they are fine now. It was like they were frightened of the open space after being used to very cramped conditions where they had no space at all.
i've put the boys back in to smaller run with only fron open they are a lot happier!
i'll wait for the weather to settle before working on getting them out again
If i put Duke in an unfamiliar place he's like a little scardy cat too :( :( :(
They've obviously had a horrible start to life Ron :'( :'( >:( >:( >:( >:(
But i'm sure with lots of TLC from you they'll become little characters :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

swooooooooooooon.......the buff one has let me see his......

PIGGIE LIPS ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
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