Nero 3 ideas needed....please

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Hi everyone,

I have been looking at all the lovely c & c cages you have built and they are fab. As I have already bought a Nero 3 for the winter months though which will go in our lounge. On looking at it yesterday i was struck by the thought that a lot of space seems to be wasted as it is very high and I am wondering if any clever person on here could suggest a way I could add a ramp and half level to it, thus making the bedroom upstairs and giving them all the bottom level to walk around in. I stress walk around in as these are two fairly elderly guineas that I adopted from a friend.

Karen xx
Thats a good idea. Why not get hold of some of the C&C cubes and use cable ties to place them horizontally across the inside of the cage (might have to overlap them a bit if they are too big), attaching them to the bars, you could also make a ramp this way by bending one of the cubes (it's easy to do, just stand on one side and bend GENTLY). You could line the ramp and new shelf area with correx or something similar. I would still build up the sides a bit a) to make the piggies feel safer and b) helps to keep some of the mess in.

I'm sure other "creative" people will come up with other ideas.

Good luck.
Many thanks for that idea I will certainly look into that. I have been googling all morning trying to come up with some sort of inspiration!
This may be a temporary measure! As you can see I have chopped off the slope which had the "ladder" (mine would never manage to get up there!) to make it just a cover to hide under. I discovered that the slope took up loads of room and served no real purpose!

It is their first day in today...only trouble is Molly is so bossy she wont let Bridget into the hideout with her and every time Bridget tries she gets Wheeked at and then Mollys nose appears to push at bridget. They should have seperate pigloos in there really but there isn't enough room.

I removed all of the plastic pigloo and put in a wooden hut - they seem to like this more and they enjoy playing on the top of it and chasing each other all over it. ;D
My two girls are very lazy, Bridget is very fat and mostly eats and sleeps all day. Molly is more active but even when they are in their run they never run about, a sedate walk is more their style LOL!
Mine go up and use it but they like to make sure I don't know although one left a poo once and gave the game away >:D
I put their favourite food up there but nothing would tempt them up there, mind you in their outdoor hutch which has a lovely ramp in it Bridget has to take a running go at it to make sure that makes makes it up in one go. They are both four years old and seem to eat the same amount of food but Bridget is enormous, when I first adopted her one of my friends asked if she was pregnant!
i have a nero 4 and thought the same thing, so....

if u have a wonderfull dad like mine or r very handy with a bit of wood...
do away with the plastic house
run 2 lengths of wood across the cage however high up u want your second level and cover it with "playstix" or something similar
hold it in place with cable ties
it gives them a bigger hut to live in... and something natural to chew on , plus its easy to move and relatively cheap.... the large "playstix" is about £5 in p@h and atm they have an offer on them of 2 for £7 ;D
OMG Wheek you must be Pyshic!

i went to P @ H yesterday to buy some playstiks and they had sold out, they only had the little ones!

So I bought them two small pigloos as a temporary measure.

Will have a re-think after reading your post, many thanks
If poss Wheek could you post a picture on here so that I could use it for inspiration :)
give me till this evening when the girls bring the camera home and ill post one... :D
kaz, I'm sorry for not getting u a pic last night, the girls didnt bring the camera home from school, itll be tonight, so sorry hunny... xx
Hiya Wheek,

No worries sweetie, just do it whenever you get the chance :smitten:
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