Need your opinion!

Ariana M

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 16, 2019
Reaction score
Hello! I am not a guinea pig owner, but this is my story of how I met Mac, my boyfriend's guinea pig. I had the chance to visit my bf mum this week and she has taken care of Mac since my bf moved out. We were asked to give him and his friend Cookie a bath, and since then Mac the guinea pig has stolen my heart. I want to know if he likes me and what to improve. He is cuddly, makes pitch sounds and eats from my hand. He rests on my neck and licks my face and nibbles my fingers. When I want to get him out, sometimes he hides, sometimes he just waits for me to pick him up. I let him run around in the room and I give him treats. He has never showed aggression, he sometimes vibrates when I pet him.I have spent time with him only a week, and I gave him the most attention ever, as my bf family doesn't spend much time with Mac. My bfs guinea pig isn't in the same country I live in, and I just said goodbye to Mac today, and oh boy, how hard I cried. Never experienced such a bond before with an animal. Of course, I cannot expect Mac to like me in such a short time, but I would love to hear your opinion on if he likes me. I am considering taking Mac to my place when I move in my bf country. Here is a pic with cute Mac.


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It sounds like he’s used to human interaction. It is a good sign when a piggy licks, and can settle on you during lap time. That indicates they’re looked after to some degree, even though you think they don’t get enough attention.

If you plan to take him please take both. It’s not fair taking just him and having him live alone. Piggies are herd animals and need interaction with their own kind. No amount of human interaction will ever make up for that.

May I ask why your boyfriend didn’t take them with him when he moved? Was it living circumstances?

Also, they shouldn’t need bathing unless they’re really dirty.

Mac is very handsome. We would love to see Cookie as well ☺️
My boyfriend had to move in a small apartment in London and shares the apartment with 2 other people, so there is no space for those sweet angels. When Mac was a baby, my boyfriend used to play with him lots, but since he moved out both Mac and Cookie were having less play time. His mum is a GP doctor, and she comes home late and barely has time for herself, so the piggies stay alone. I will definitely take Cookie as well, I just don't want his mum to be sad after. The guinea piggies didn't have a bath in 5 months and they needed a trim as well, so we gave them a little spa day. Here is a picture with Mac and Cookie ! Any tips to make them like me more? Thanks!


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My boyfriend had to move in a small apartment in London and shares the apartment with 2 other people, so there is no space for those sweet angels. When Mac was a baby, my boyfriend used to play with him lots, but since he moved out both Mac and Cookie were having less play time. His mum is a GP doctor, and she comes home late and barely has time for herself, so the piggies stay alone. I will definitely take Cookie as well, I just don't want his mum to be sad after. The guinea piggies didn't have a bath in 5 months and they needed a trim as well, so we gave them a little spa day. Here is a picture with Mac and Cookie ! Any tips to make them like me more? Thanks!

Hi and welcome!

It sounds like Max likes you! He is a gorgeous boy - and you are going to be a very loving and much more committed long term owner by the sound of it.

If you can, please look after him and his mother, and ideally you keep the two in adjoining cages for company, mutual stimulation and constant interaction. If they cannot just hear and smell each other but can also see each other's body language for full communication, that would be smashing! Guinea pigs have a much more complex social interaction on a number of levels that people are sadly all too often completely unaware of.
The information in these guides here may help you.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips

Here are our boar care tips: Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths

You can find lots more helpful, practical and interesting information on a wide range of topics we get the most questions and concerns about via our new owners guide collection link here: Getting Started - New Owners' Most Helpful Guides
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Do Mac and Cookie live together or next to each other?

The threads linked above are a very good start. You can prepare yourself before you take them home with you.

Your boyfriends’ mum may be grateful if feels she doesn’t have time for. Of course I’m sure she will miss them, but if they get more interaction with you then that’s good.

I would say just make sure you have the space for them. If they live separately, each has to have a 6 sq foot cage as minimum (I think). If they live together, a 10 sq foot is best seeing as they’re boys.

Good luck and have a browse in the forums, there is lots of info. If there’s something you want to clarify you’re more than welcome to ask questions.
Mac and Cookie have always lived together ! How much will the cage in centimetres? I will take them this winter probably
Is cookie a boy or girl?
You’ve got plenty of time to prepare so I’m sure it’ll all be fine.
Cookie is a sweet boy

Thanks for clearing that up; I had the impression Cookie was a sow! That is making everything a lot easier. Please do not split them up. cookie will come to love you as well as he gets to know you and experiences your good care! ;)

Here is our boar guide; it deals with all the various aspects including housing and also tips on moving them into a new situation without triggering a potential upset: A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
So Mac and Cookie are both boys and they live together, that greats, it makes everything so much easier. Boys need quite a bit of room at least 140 cm x 60 or more if you have the space. They are both gorgeous boys, it’s lovely that you are prepared to take them on. It will probably be a relief for your bf’s Mum, she sound very busy x
I think Mac loves you already and so will Cookie x