Need to re-bond my boys

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 17, 2012
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Hiya, I have 3 boys Ant, Dec & Charlie. Ant & Dec was buddies, but they started fighting bad, and being new piggy owners we seperated them. Charlie arrived about a year later and although they all live in the same room, they live seperately. They chatter to each other constantly and we do let them mix (usually only for about 3mins *** then they get agitated). I havent really tried getting them to bond seriously, but now that the kids are back in school, i really want to give this a try as it would be lovely to see them all playing together. Ant is a very playful little boy, Dec is mr grumpy and Charlie is a thinker. Any advice anyone can give me i would really apprieciate. Nicola x
Well to start with it is VERY unlikely to get 3 boys together, as the chances for getting just 2 back together are very low, boys hold grudges and if they don't like each other it's hard to make them forgive and forget, i'm sorry to say but i really don't think you have any chance at making this trio work. :(
Allowing them to have contact is probably more stressful than it's worth so, just having them all in a cage to themselves in a side by side living as your doing now is probably the best.
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Please be aware that trios do more often than not end up with an outsider problem of some sort unless the character constellation is just right. Generally, we recommend keeping boars in pairs, as that is much more stable.

You will have to sit through the whole dominance and NOT interfere unless things are starting to really blow up. Have thick oven gloves ready in case, as serious bites can injure your hands if you need to separate fighting boars.

Please read our boar guide and the behaviour thread at the top of the behaviour section very carefully.
Here is a thread with tips for introductions:
This is Suzy's boar dating thread. It contains some videos and descriptions at which behaviours she calls off an intro.

Personally, I would pair up the two boars who get on best and try to find a new friend for the leftover boar via boar dating if you can, even though there are not as many rescues in Scotland and you may have to travel quite a distance. But that would ensure the biggest stability and peace of mind for you. Bonding at the rescue also means that the risk is minimal for you - you will find the bonding experience with your boars a rather nerve racking experience as dominance is a fact of life for all guinea pigs.
Thank you for the advice. My other option is to have the boys neutered and buddy them up if possible with our girls. Again though i dont have a clue on the best way to do this.Again any advice is v welcome. Also i am worried about the boys being 'done'. Just how safe is it? I know that Ant is ok with a general anaesthetic as he was seriously ill earlier in the year (thankfully, against all odds he got better). But how will Dec & Charlie cope. I think it would be lovely to have our babies in couples, but, should i keep the girls as a wee pack? as they do get on brilliantly. As for boar dating, thats a brilliant idea, but I'm housebound so wouldnt be able to travel and my kids are to young to take the responsibility. I will try and bond 2 of the boys, probably Dec & Charlie. If, as you say that piggies hold grudges then i have zero chance of getting Ant & Dec back together. I hate taking them outside and having to put them in seperate run, they look lonely :(
I personally would recomend you do lots of reading of the boar dating threads etc., then try to bond your newest boy with one of the others using neuteral terratory etc. If that works you will only have to Boar date one boy, or neuter one boy and then he could go in with you girls (provided bonding goes well ofc)

But that is in an ideal world. Whatever you choose, we will be here to support you.

If you do choose to look in to neutering please please please do your research re vets, the opperation carries risks, as any do, but with a good cavvy savvy vet your risks are greatly reduced. :)
In a group of girls you can't have more than one boy, and the neutering process is really risky and can be expensive, so it's an option your going to want to really think over,

Do you have the boys in the same room as the girls? this may cause fights and be part of the reason your boars have split up in the past.

Trying to bond two of the boys together would leave one boar in need of company though and neutering would allow him to go with the girls however you would have to wait 6weeks after the operation to have him put with a female pig.
The boys and girls have always been in seperate rooms. Ant & Dec fell out well over a year ago, long time before we had Charlie or the girls. They share a v large double inclosure, Ant on the bottom and Dec on top and they constantly chatter to each other to reassure that the other is there, but they dont play good. I have got 2 fab vets, 1 that does all the wee checks and such and the other is a guinea pig specialist that i use if anything untoward happens. I shall have a good read through of all the links and such, also talk to the kids & vets to find the best solution. Maybe the set up we have now is fine for them, its just me wanting the best. Thanks for the advice. Nicola x
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