Need to raise money so I can get my boys fixed

  • Thread starter Thread starter PeppaPunk
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Hello :)

I am hoping to get my boys neutered after I got great advice to do so the other day. The problem I have is money, as I'm only in my teens I need ideas! Does anyone know how I can make just over £110?

The boys will cost me £55 each and thats without meds :o

That seems really expensive to me..... I paid £38.50 to have mine done and that included his op and 2 subsequent check ups.

Maybe it's because I'm in the North.

As for your question could you do jobs for your parents/family friends? Sell something on ebay?
i think anaesthetic costs a lot in some places, when i had gucci's mammory tumour out that cost me £109 for the op plus 2 check ups and any meds..the anaesthetic was £48!
neutering inclusive one checkup a week later cost me 40 pound for Marvin.

Whereabouts are you from, maybe someone on here can recommend a cheaper vet in your area?
You could try doing a car boot sale of unwanted stuff, we do one a year, it's amazing howmuch rubbish we accumulate :o
:o Both mine cost £45. Maybe you could get a part time/ a Saturday job or like everyone else has said sell some of your old items you don't need. :)
try calling the RSPCA,they give you vouchers worth £15 to have your piggies neutered
Ive had 5 done so far thanks to them O0

I think Hils has had vouchers too
Sehnsucht said:
try calling the RSPCA,they give you vouchers worth £15 to have your piggies neutered
Ive had 5 done so far thanks to them O0

I think Hils has had vouchers too

Wow, I didn't know that, thats a great idea! As for the rest of the money, why don't you do a sponsered something...say sponsered silence or walking to school for a week or whatever. Create a sponsored form on word and get family and friends to sponsor you! Hows that for an idea?
Wow thanks for the ideas guys!

I might try the RSPCA... I dont know what number to ring or what to say though =/
if you have a local RSPCA give them a call and say you need to get a piggy/piggies neutered and could they send you a £15 voucher towards it
I agree with what others have said about that being very expensive.

But I think my vet is amazingly cheap.

I would try to see some stuff if I were you, or get a wheekend job?
stars neutering was only £30, which i thought was really good, and i'm in the south too.
It cost £60 odd quid when my daisy had an anasthetic for an abcess, couldn't work out why the price difference, but hubby says it's because neutering is a standard op, so the price is set??
£55 quid sounds very expensive to me, have you phoned around, don't forget you need a vet who has experience in this, so their success rate should be good. Ask how many they have done.
Thanks everyone :smitten:

I'll ring up the RSPCA, but I'm gonna try and get a job.
The place I want to get them done is very piggy savvy so I think thats my best bet, I would pay the extra money for the op to go smoothly.

can't argue with that i would do the same, best place for them,
good luck
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