Need tips for introducing a boy


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 1, 2022
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Hi all, I got a boy a few weeks back and got him neutered to hopefully bond with a 2 year old pair of girls. I posted about him having a mystery illness and not eating a while back and he randomly recovered especially being beside the girls cage and is okay now. The 6 weeks are up this Friday!

Ive read all about bonding and behaviours on here (and watched videos on youtube). But i was just wondering from hopefully someone with experience, at what point would you feel comfortable putting them all back in a cage together from the bonding pen? Is there any particular behaviours or signs? Even if everything seems fine will I still separate them again for the night and do it a couple days in a row or no? I'm hoping there wont be any major issues but my main concern is knowing when its ok to leave them alone i guess and dont want things to suddenly turn violent! I hope he will be a respectful boy because from what ive gathered thats the main issue that can arise with boys and girls. If they start loudly teeth chattering and preparing to physically fight do I step in?

I have another pair of girls but theyre a bit older and one has health issues/is sensitive so introducing him to them is a no go, so if this doesnt work out I may try finding him another home with other girls because Id hate for him to be alone especially now he is neutered.
Editing to add the boy is apparently around 18 months old which seems correct from his nails so he should be past the worst hormone part
I haven’t bonded boy and girls but I have bonded boar pairs twice. Both times with an older pig and a baby.

The first time went so well they were only in the neutral area for about three hours and then I moved them into a large cage for the rest of the day and night. Then I put them into their forever hutch.

The second time I left them in the bonding pen all day and all night.

If I was you I’d leave them over night just to make sure they are getting on before moving them into their freshly cleaned out forever home.

Good luck. I hope he behaves and the girls like him.
Good luck with the bonding, hope they like him. Once it has started if it is going well do not separate for the night as they need to start from scratch the next day. Hopefully one of the moderators will come along soon with solid advice. Can you post some pictures please we all love drooling over other peoples piggies.😁
I bonded a neutered male to my two ladies. Do you have a C&C cage? I put panels and put the male on one side and the girls on the other. Gave them time to see each other, sniff and chatter (aka flirt!). By the time they first met in a neutral area they were totally chilled with each other and even lay down for a snuggle together. Of course once they were all in a cage there was a bit of chasing but nothing scary
Good luck with the bonding, hope they like him. Once it has started if it is going well do not separate for the night as they need to start from scratch the next day. Hopefully one of the moderators will come along soon with solid advice. Can you post some pictures please we all love drooling over other peoples piggies.😁
Yes i have heard that before too about it means they start from scratch. Ill keep that in mind. And yes i just did a halloween photoshoot this weekend with them, Here is the boy Lynx and the girls he will be introduced to! hopefully the pics show upIMG_20231014_145458.webpIMG_20231014_145231.webp
Hi again, started the introduction this morning its been 5 hours now. There has been no teeth chattering just a lot of rumbling from the boy and now from Mousey who is on heat and a bit cranky. Because she is on heat he was allowed to mount her several times but she is tired of it now and tells him to go away lol. The other girl seems to be the dominant one and is not in season so does not allow mounting but is not aggressive in any way just tells him to leave her alone and he does. They are all eating together and slept together for a while now theyre up and about again. Is it now safe to put them in their new permanent cages together?
They look adorable 😍. I have only done one bonding and it was boys. Mine were in the same cage after only a couple of hours as they were popcorning, zooming and doing the piggy train. That's just my experience not an expert opinion.
I have put them in their permanent cage (its 3 Midwests joined together) and it took a minute for the boy to learn how to use the ramps lol. They are all very tired after the bonding so are taking a nap now 🤞