Junior Guinea Pig
I adopted a friend named Kiwi a few months ago. I decided to adopt another friend a few weeks ago. They are both intact males. I kept them in completely separate cages and slowly started introducing them. There was lots of swagger and smelling each other the first few times. They got floor time together every day for a week. I increased the amount of time they spent together every day. I kept their cages side by side. They seemed to be enjoying each other immensely. They would share meals and popcorn all over the place together. I bought a large 2 foot by 5 foot, with a 3 foot loft c and c cage. All new bedding. All new toys, beds, dishes etc.. I put them together and they loved it. They ran around talking like two chatty kathys. I watched them for a few hours and they seemed just fine. A couple days passed and I came home from work and they were posturing, showing teeth, clicking their jaws. Then fighting. I separated them immediately. I have again been trying to re introduce them. The second they see each other they immediately roll up into a ball fighting. I don't have the room to have two cages. I don't want to have to rehome either of them. Ultimately I won't keep the second adoptee if this just doesn't work. Kiwi was so happy in our home and I feel like I ruined it for him by trying to get him a friend. He's hiding more and more and is. Or his talkitive playful self. Please give me some advice!