Need Some Help

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 1, 2017
Reaction score
Boston MA united states
I adopted a friend named Kiwi a few months ago. I decided to adopt another friend a few weeks ago. They are both intact males. I kept them in completely separate cages and slowly started introducing them. There was lots of swagger and smelling each other the first few times. They got floor time together every day for a week. I increased the amount of time they spent together every day. I kept their cages side by side. They seemed to be enjoying each other immensely. They would share meals and popcorn all over the place together. I bought a large 2 foot by 5 foot, with a 3 foot loft c and c cage. All new bedding. All new toys, beds, dishes etc.. I put them together and they loved it. They ran around talking like two chatty kathys. I watched them for a few hours and they seemed just fine. A couple days passed and I came home from work and they were posturing, showing teeth, clicking their jaws. Then fighting. I separated them immediately. I have again been trying to re introduce them. The second they see each other they immediately roll up into a ball fighting. I don't have the room to have two cages. I don't want to have to rehome either of them. Ultimately I won't keep the second adoptee if this just doesn't work. Kiwi was so happy in our home and I feel like I ruined it for him by trying to get him a friend. He's hiding more and more and is. Or his talkitive playful self. Please give me some advice!
Are you based in the UK ?

I'm afraid it sound like your guineas don't get on. You may be better seeking a rescue that offers a bonding service to find a compatible companion for Kiwi.
Are you based in the UK ?

I'm afraid it sound like your guineas don't get on. You may be better seeking a rescue that offers a bonding service to find a compatible companion for Kiwi.
I'm in the US. I was afraid you would say that. I just don't understand why they did so very well and then it all just went south. I think that maybe the new cavy felt nervous, and not settled in at first. Once he felt at home h decided he wanted to be boss. There was a clear power shift, neither one seems to want to back down.
I'm in the US. I was afraid you would say that. I just don't understand why they did so very well and then it all just went south. I think that maybe the new cavy felt nervous, and not settled in at first. Once he felt at home h decided he wanted to be boss. There was a clear power shift, neither one seems to want to back down.

I am very sorry that your boys fell out over the dominance issue. Initial aceptance can happen, but guinea pigs live in a strictly hierarchical society, which takes some time to establish fully; on average it takes about 2 weeks during which fall-outs can happen, even in adult or sub-teenage boys. Unfortunately, once piggies of either gender decide that they do not suit, you've basically had it.
Guinea pigs are sociable animals like humans, but like humans it doesn't necessarily mean that they all like each other or get on with other - or that they can always agree who is the leader. In fact, as those rescues can tell you that offer to date single boars, it takes on average 1-3 intros to find Mr Right, but with very sexed up teenage boars, it can even take up to 6 or in very rare cases, more! :(

We have got step-by-step advice as well as a range of solutions on what you can do with fallen out boars in this guide here, including links to lists of recommended good standard non-kill rescues in a number of countries, including yours. Please take the time to read through it and think through it. For now, leave the boys separated while you consider and research all options that available to you where you, which can vary enormously.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Since we have got members from all over the world, we find it much easier to help you with advice that is really relevant where you are if you please added your state and/or country to your details, so we do not have to keep things as general as possible, but can cut right through to specifics straight away and take into account what is available or doable where you are. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. This makes it appear underneath your username and avatar picture in every post you make. Thank you!
I am very sorry that your boys fell out over the dominance issue. Initial aceptance can happen, but guinea pigs live in a strictly hierarchical society, which takes some time to establish fully; on average it takes about 2 week during which fall-outs can happen, even in adult or sub-teenage boys. Unfortunately, once piggies of either gender decide that they do not suit, you've basically had it.
Guinea pigs are sociable animals like humans, but like humans it doesn't necessarily mean that they all like other or get on with other - or that they can always agree who is the leader. In fact, as those rescues can tell you that offer to date single boars, it takes on average 1-3 intros to find Mr Right, but with very sexed up teenage boars, it can even take up to 6 or in very rare cases, more! :(

We have got step-by-step advice as well as a range of solutions on what you can do with fallen out boars in this guide here, including a links to lists of recommended god standard non-kill rescues in a number of countries, including yours. Please take the time to read through it and think through it. For now, leave the boys separated while you consider and research all options that available to you where you, which can vary enormously.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Since we have got members from all over the world, we find it much easier to help you with advice that is really relevant where you are if you please added your state and/or country to your details, so we do not have to keep things as general as possible, but can cut right through to specifics straight away and take into account what is available or doable where you are. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. This makes it appear underneath your username and avatar picture in every post you make. Thank you!

Thank you! I appreciate your response. I read through this last night. My gut tells me that they are not going to get along at this point (no matter how optimistic I tried to be). Now that I've separated them my little kiwi is vocalizing and not hiding anymore. I will do some research on finding him a friend when the time is right. Also finding mister Wimbledon a new home that suits him.
Thank you! I appreciate your response. I read through this last night. My gut tells me that they are not going to get along at this point (no matter how optimistic I tried to be). Now that I've separated them my little kiwi is vocalizing and not hiding anymore. I will do some research on finding him a friend when the time is right. Also finding mister Wimbledon a new home that suits him.

Please make sure that no piggy is living on its own! Just because Kiwi is not the right mate for Wimbledon doesn't mean he has to spend the rest of his life without companionship. if possible, get him into a good standard rescue that has got the experience and the means to pair him up with a suitable boar, or to have him neutered and living with a sow or two.
Please make sure that no piggy is living on its own! Just because Kiwi is not the right mate for Wimbledon doesn't mean he has to spend the rest of his life without companionship. if possible, get him into a good standard rescue that has got the experience and the means to pair him up with a suitable boar, or to have him neutered and living with a sow or two.

I absolutely will work with a rescue to find kiwi a more suitable pairing I want him to have the happiest life possible. I wish the same for Wimbledon. Do you think it's at all worth trying again to reintroduce them? Or do you think they've made up their minds about each other.
I absolutely will work with a rescue to find kiwi a more suitable pairing I want him to have the happiest life possible. I wish the same for Wimbledon. Do you think it's at all worth trying again to reintroduce them? Or do you think they've made up their minds about each other.

They have made up their minds by now, unfortunately. You have tried re-intros and the reaction has been stronger e\ch time.

A failed bonding is always a gutting experience. I know; I've had my share of them over the years! :(
They have made up their minds by now, unfortunately. You have tried re-intros and the reaction has been stronger e\ch time.

A failed bonding is always a gutting experience. I know; I've had my share of them over the years!

I appreciate all of your words of wisdom, and kindness. This has been heart wrenching for me. Can you point me in the direction of some rescues that may help find kiwi a companion, and find Wimbledon a home as well. I am located in the USA. I'm close to Boston MA.
Rescues and good vets in the Northeast are hard to come by, as I know from a guinea pig friend in southern New Hampshire. :(

She has gone to this place here as the best in the whole area for her own rescue piggies; it's in Methuen, Massachusetts: MSPCA at Nevins Farm - MSPCA-Angell
I have been in touch with a couple of rescues as far as rehiring Wimbledon goes. Though it breaks my heart I know they will never work. I have a couple of questions about what is in kiwis best interest now. How long should I wait before playing the dating game? Since he has been so worked up am I more likely to have a failed bond attempt? He is quite sure of himself and I would need to find a submissive male. Do I have Greater odds at his chance of companionship, if I have him neutered and pair him with a couple of sows? If that's the better option, do I look for a bonded sow pair? Baby sows? Mature?
I have been in touch with a couple of rescues as far as rehiring Wimbledon goes. Though it breaks my heart I know they will never work. I have a couple of questions about what is in kiwis best interest now. How long should I wait before playing the dating game? Since he has been so worked up am I more likely to have a failed bond attempt? He is quite sure of himself and I would need to find a submissive male. Do I have Greater odds at his chance of companionship, if I have him neutered and pair him with a couple of sows? If that's the better option, do I look for a bonded sow pair? Baby sows? Mature?

I would consider arranging a meet and greet session for Kiwi at the rescue when you take Wimbledon. Then you can either find a boarmate for Kiwi this way or know where you stand in terms of looking for alternative options. A competent piggy savvy rescue person (which you get with the recommended rescues, but not necessarily others) can help you with making any decisions based on Kiwi's behaviour.
Just an update... Wimbledon will be joining a family of two sows after he is neutered by the rescue. As for kiwi, I have called countless rescues all who are not familiar with boar dating. They say I can bring the pig home and if it doesn't work out they will take it back. I have decided to have min neutered by one of the only "odd" animal vets in my area. I know them well from my rabbits care, and previous hedgehog (whom I had rescued and loved for the remainder of his life). I found a woman who breeds Texels, and has a few close breeding friends, One who breeds skinnies. I have decided to get two baby sows. This process will take several months but I'm happy knowing kiwi will have a herd of his own. I will have more babies to love. I have searched far and wide for skinny pig rescues and their are none even close to my state. I know that rescuing is the best option, but for me this seems like the best option for my fur(less) baby.
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