Need Some Guinea Pig Advise!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi, I’m looking to get a pair of boars after Christmas/early next year and have been researching for quite a while now. I just wanted to ask a few questions and if anyone can think of anything particular they want to make sure I’m aware about, to say so.

First off, a bit of background information, I’m a teenager in high school, so yes my parents are aware that I/guinea pigs will be relying finically on them. I am also going to be getting a job early next year. So my parents will pay for most things until then (including money I already have saved at the moment). Once I get a job, they’ll continue to pay for necessities, food/hay etc. Whilst I have to provide for things like toys and such. I will also open a savings account purely for saving for vet bills.

Also I have two vets near me. The closest one near me (is like 3 minutes away thank god) has a doctor who has worked in emergency medicine and critical care and also works in exotic animal medicine, having guinea pigs of her own.

I also have an emergency vet 20 - 30 minutes away. They have the most extensive exotic animal medicine services in the state, with a range of very much experienced specialists. So I’ve got vets covered.

Okay so for questions!

1) I have the general idea of staples (vegetables) to feed daily. So far I’ve got things like romaine/cos lettuce, cilantro/coriander, bell peppers/capsicum, baby carrots. I’m going to change things up a bit like give some kale, broccoli etc every now and then. Is that okay? Do I need to add more things that are rich in vitamin C or is what I’m planning to feed fine?

Also, is 2 cups of vegetables (as I will have two pigs) correct?

2) As for pellets. Do I give an unlimited supply (as I’ll do with hay)? Some sites have said to give an unlimited supply, some say to give 1/8 cups in the morning and evening, and so it’s all very confusing.

Another side question, does anyone know of good quality pellets available in Victoria, Australia? I’ve been hunting around but all the ones I’ve found so far are alfalfa/lucerne based.

3) As for veterinary costs. I will set up an account which I’ll put money into every time I get paid (once I get a job) to save up for emergency vet funds. Some sites have mentioned that getting insurance can be a good option for some people as vet bills can get quite costly, has anyone done this? And overall what are roughly the vet bills for getting common illness found in guinea pigs treated?

I just wanted to be a bit more aware of how much some vet bills can cost.

4) As I'm looking to get a pair of boys, I heard that they need their grease gland cleaned regularly. So how often do you clean them? And how do you clean them?

I apologise for the length of my post but I really want to be as prepared as one can get before getting guinea pigs, so you’re welcome to be completely blunt with any advise/information etc you want to tell me.

Thank you so much in advance! x
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Hi :wel:to the forum..

Its fantastic that you are doing your research before becoming a piggy slave.. :nod:

The forum has loads of great care guides for you to read - including balanced diet,

As for vets fees, can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

Have fun browsing around the forum and please ask any further questions you may have, our friendly members will try their best to answer any questions you may have.. :tu:

Again welcome to the forum, see you about..

Lisa & Ali..

We will tag a couple of members who may be able to help you in your search for nuggets @Glynis @Lilly @Gizi
Hi :wel:to the forum..

Its fantastic that you are doing your research before becoming a piggy slave.. :nod:

The forum has loads of great care guides for you to read - including balanced diet,

As for vets fees, can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

Have fun browsing around the forum and please ask any further questions you may have, our friendly members will try their best to answer any questions you may have.. :tu:

Again welcome to the forum, see you about..

Lisa & Ali..

We will tag a couple of members who may be able to help you in your search for nuggets @Glynis @Lilly @Gizi

Yay, thank you for the link, I'll continue to read around the forum.
Hi and welcome!

Good that you are doing your research and have thought about financing. An operation can easily cost you $400 dollars, but our Australian members can hopefully fill you in better on all the local tips. @Lilly @Glynis

if you want to go for boars, please have a read through out boar guide and also through our list of dominance behaviours:

How bad a grease gland is depends very much on the individual guinea pig; it can vary massively. It would be good to check it during your weekly onceover/weigh-in and clean it at need if is very cheesy/greasy/crusty.
You may also find this thread here helpful in learning about what is normal and what not:

Here are tips on how to settle your boys in:
Hi, welcome to the forum! You are lucky in that there are many more good piggy vets in Melbourne than here in Brissie. Only recently has an experienced piggy vet with piggies of her own set up practice in a 24 hour vet hospital close to me so I am over the moon. Prior to that there were only 2, very far from me & not 24 hour. With the recent illness of one of my boys I cannot stress how important it is to get a vet that knows piggies.

As to vet costs, it can become a big deal. There is no pet insurance for anything other than cats & dogs here in OZ. Recently some vets have started offering VetPay however, which helps spread the cost over a year albeit at 14% interest. One of the far away piggy specialists charges $100 for a consult while my current specialist only charges $44. The vet that has been doing my boy's monthly dentals for over 3 years charges $57 per month, which is half the usual price. I am only getting it at that price because it will be a life long thing for him and the vet is sympathetic. My boy's neuter surgery only cost $108 but every lab test costs $200 and he's had several in order to find out what the problem is. All in all, with vet consults, lab tests, meds & the actual surgery he has just cost me $2000 in a matter of weeks. I had to put $1000 of it on the VetPay plan.

I have 4 boys and only the one has all these medical problems (thank goodness!). One of the other boys once had an upper respiratory infection and all told that experience including having to go to an after hours vet for some Baytril was under $200. My sickly boy had a 3 month urinary tract infection last year and all up that cost about $300. So for routine illnesses saving up every month into a piggy vet fund should do the trick. But if you're unlucky to get a piggy who comes down with something really serious I suggest getting a vet who has the VetPay plan. Sorry anout the long post on this but you & your parents need to be prepared should the worst happen.

Onto to food! Unfortunately there are no decent Aussie made pellets that I've come across in 4 years of piggy ownership. The only healthy choice is the imported more expensive Oxbow timothy hay pellets. Until recently these were rather exoribitant in price and not readily available here. I had to travel long distances to the only pet shop in Brissie that stocked it. Now you can get it online. Even Oxbow Australia has an online Ebay shop! I wouldn't order from them though as they charge the most. I now get mine from a local vet. Here are some online sites this will give you a list of stockiss in Melbourne this is their ebay shop this is the online shop I use as they offer free shipping over $50. They are located in Melbourne so you could buy from the shop. They have both the regular piggy pellets & the new more expensive organics. I find 2kg will last 2 boys at least 2 months, so in that sense not so expensive..

I reckon @Wiebke has covered yout other questions. Feel free to tag me if you'd like to ask me anything else.
Hi, welcome to the forum! You are lucky in that there are many more good piggy vets in Melbourne than here in Brissie. Only recently has an experienced piggy vet with piggies of her own set up practice in a 24 hour vet hospital close to me so I am over the moon. Prior to that there were only 2, very far from me & not 24 hour. With the recent illness of one of my boys I cannot stress how important it is to get a vet that knows piggies.

As to vet costs, it can become a big deal. There is no pet insurance for anything other than cats & dogs here in OZ. Recently some vets have started offering VetPay however, which helps spread the cost over a year albeit at 14% interest. One of the far away piggy specialists charges $100 for a consult while my current specialist only charges $44. The vet that has been doing my boy's monthly dentals for over 3 years charges $57 per month, which is half the usual price. I am only getting it at that price because it will be a life long thing for him and the vet is sympathetic. My boy's neuter surgery only cost $108 but every lab test costs $200 and he's had several in order to find out what the problem is. All in all, with vet consults, lab tests, meds & the actual surgery he has just cost me $2000 in a matter of weeks. I had to put $1000 of it on the VetPay plan.

I have 4 boys and only the one has all these medical problems (thank goodness!). One of the other boys once had an upper respiratory infection and all told that experience including having to go to an after hours vet for some Baytril was under $200. My sickly boy had a 3 month urinary tract infection last year and all up that cost about $300. So for routine illnesses saving up every month into a piggy vet fund should do the trick. But if you're unlucky to get a piggy who comes down with something really serious I suggest getting a vet who has the VetPay plan. Sorry anout the long post on this but you & your parents need to be prepared should the worst happen.

Onto to food! Unfortunately there are no decent Aussie made pellets that I've come across in 4 years of piggy ownership. The only healthy choice is the imported more expensive Oxbow timothy hay pellets. Until recently these were rather exoribitant in price and not readily available here. I had to travel long distances to the only pet shop in Brissie that stocked it. Now you can get it online. Even Oxbow Australia has an online Ebay shop! I wouldn't order from them though as they charge the most. I now get mine from a local vet. Here are some online sites this will give you a list of stockiss in Melbourne this is their ebay shop this is the online shop I use as they offer free shipping over $50. They are located in Melbourne so you could buy from the shop. They have both the regular piggy pellets & the new more expensive organics. I find 2kg will last 2 boys at least 2 months, so in that sense not so expensive..

I reckon @Wiebke has covered yout other questions. Feel free to tag me if you'd like to ask me anything else.

Thank you! I'll ask my vet how much things like regular consults/check ups would be. I realised after looking around that there are only cat/dog insurance so I'll ask the vet if they offer Vetplan, hopefully they do.

I was looking at Oxbow online but I wasn't aware that they were sold in stores in Melbourne so thank you for the links, and if it will last about 2 months thats all good for price I think.

Thank you again!
Welcome to the forum, i can't add to what others have said above, but wanted to say hello. :)

Welcome to the forum! So exciting you are going to get piggies, they are such rewarding pets :) Don't think anyone has mentioned, but I find coconut oil (raw) great for cleaning grease glands. Male pigs vary a lot with grease gland muck, some don't need it cleaning more than once every few months (I'm lucky with my current two, they have lovely clean bums and grease spots usually haha) and some will be dirtier more quickly.
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