Need Some Advice Asap


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 28, 2017
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I'm really worried about our boars. I'm a first time owner and unfortunately fall into the bad category of buying 2 litter brothers from a pet shop and putting them in a cage which i've now learned it too small for them (58cm x 120cm)

Dance was originally the dominant one and wouldn't let his brother in the bedroom area. So i bought another bedroom for Rolo on day 2. That helped a lot and they got a better......for a few days

Dance continued to be more dominant and would nip at Rolo if he tried to get in "his" bedroom. i witnessed some rumblestrutting a few days ago and teeth chattering at each other happens daily now. On friday after handling them, when they went back in the cage they had a full on rolly polly fight, but only lasted a 5 seconds or so, they then both ran off to bed and were eating next to each other happily.

Although i've noticed since Friday, the dominance has switched, and Rolo keeps forcing his way into Dance's bed, about 30 mins ago they had another fight in Dance's bedroom area then moved into the main area, i tried to separate them with a bit of a divide, but it was a bit pathetic and Dance worked his way through.

They don't seem to like each other at all and give each other warnings whenever they get too close. Dance has become more withdrawn and now runs into his bedroom at the slightest movement or noise.

I've witnessed them both popcorning about so they do have happy times, just not with each other. Infact Dance was popcorning on his own 5 mins after the scrap.

What do i do?
I wouldn't separate unless blood is drawn or you feel a guinea pig may come to harm. It sounds like they are just establishing dominance and it's possible they are going through the hormone stage- which with two going through it at the same time can be a little stressful.

However if you do feel separating is what needs to be done then see how they react. Do they look for each other and seem lost when alone- this means they have bonded. Or do they seem happier and content without the other piggy?

If the latter is the case then I would suggest separating totally and keeping them as neighbours that can see each other through the bars or think about have two cages and two more boars - or neuter them and 2 sows.

You can separate for a while then reintroduce them but please bare in mind you must treat it as though they are meeting for the first time. A neutral area etc.
I wouldn't separate unless blood is drawn or you feel a guinea pig may come to harm. It sounds like they are just establishing dominance and it's possible they are going through the hormone stage- which with two going through it at the same time can be a little stressful.

However if you do feel separating is what needs to be done then see how they react. Do they look for each other and seem lost when alone- this means they have bonded. Or do they seem happier and content without the other piggy?

If the latter is the case then I would suggest separating totally and keeping them as neighbours that can see each other through the bars or think about have two cages and two more boars - or neuter them and 2 sows.

You can separate for a while then reintroduce them but please bare in mind you must treat it as though they are meeting for the first time. A neutral area etc.
Thanks for replying, i haven't seen blood but Rolo has a wet patch on his back where Dance must have nipped in. I haven't got them out to check them over yet as they seem to "argue" a bit every time they get returned after handling, so i didn't want to aggravate them anymore.

If one piggy is put back in the cage before the other, then the one that is out will start to make some noises, which i read as them looking for their mate. but i could be wrong.

i'm just looking at some bigger cages now and i'm thinking of going into pets at home this afternoon and telling them that they have sold me a cage that isn't suitable for them to see if they will discount a bigger one. To be honest, if i did want to separate them, i have nothing yet that i could put the other one in.
Hi Everyone,

I'm really worried about our boars. I'm a first time owner and unfortunately fall into the bad category of buying 2 litter brothers from a pet shop and putting them in a cage which i've now learned it too small for them (58cm x 120cm)

Dance was originally the dominant one and wouldn't let his brother in the bedroom area. So i bought another bedroom for Rolo on day 2. That helped a lot and they got a better......for a few days

Dance continued to be more dominant and would nip at Rolo if he tried to get in "his" bedroom. i witnessed some rumblestrutting a few days ago and teeth chattering at each other happens daily now. On friday after handling them, when they went back in the cage they had a full on rolly polly fight, but only lasted a 5 seconds or so, they then both ran off to bed and were eating next to each other happily.

Although i've noticed since Friday, the dominance has switched, and Rolo keeps forcing his way into Dance's bed, about 30 mins ago they had another fight in Dance's bedroom area then moved into the main area, i tried to separate them with a bit of a divide, but it was a bit pathetic and Dance worked his way through.

They don't seem to like each other at all and give each other warnings whenever they get too close. Dance has become more withdrawn and now runs into his bedroom at the slightest movement or noise.

I've witnessed them both popcorning about so they do have happy times, just not with each other. Infact Dance was popcorning on his own 5 mins after the scrap.

What do i do?

Hi! At the moment you just keep an eye on them. They are just discovering their new manhood right now.

Please take the time to carefully read this thread here, so you know what you need to look out for, what you can do and what your options are at any stage. Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
I had that problem and a friend told me to bath them together and now they are the best of friends
Hi! At the moment you just keep an eye on them. They are just discovering their new manhood right now.

Please take the time to carefully read this thread here, so you know what you need to look out for, what you can do and what your options are at any stage. Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thankyou, i reads through this this morning

i'll keep an eye like you said. And i'm looking into getting some more space for them too
put them both in some shallow warmish water and wash them with some guinea pig shampoo. It neutralises their scent so they are equal. I have done this to bond a lot of rescue pigs together