Need some advice ASAP... Please

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Hi Everyone,

I'm getting two females pigs tonight from someone that can no longer cope with them. They are coming with a hutch etc...


Having never had any outside pets before, a few questions?

How do I keep them warm over the winter, whats the best bedding, What about firework night?.

any advice would be a great help.

I love your user name it's fab.

The guinea pigs would be better in a shed or unused garage from this time of year until warmer nights arrive.
They do not tolerate extreme heats and extreme cold weather, basically if your cold they are cold.
The damp weather is not very ideal for them, as they can be prone to respitarory infections.

Saying that some people on this forum do keep their guinea pigs outside with no problems, Their advice would be to clean out regularly so they are not sitting on any damp wet bedding, fill the bedroom area of the hutch to the top with hay, so they can snuggle into it.
pets at home sell hutch huggers, they are a cover which keep the cold windy and wet, weather out. the are pricey so if they are too expensive you could cover with an old duvet and a tarpaulin too.A good sheltered spot in the garden would be important. You can also get water bottle insulators which stop the water bottles from freezing (some people use old socks)

Or you could buy an indoor cage (largest you can) and have them as indoor piggies.

The best bedding is a good layer of newspaper topped with hay, straw is no good for piggies as it can poke them in the eyes. I use megazorb ontop of my newspaper and then hay on top of that, it's a great product, it absorbs all the wee, you can buy from horse suppliers/farm shops etc, a huge sack is around £6 and lasts me a month for 2 hutches, and we use it for our rats also.If i use megazorb i clean out my piggies every 4th day.

I'm not sure whats best on bonfire night as mine are in the shed now. Maybe put them in a pet carrier in a shed ??

If your piggies are outdoor piggies/kept in shed, don't bring them into the house during winter months, the changes of temperatures can make them ill,going from one extreme temperature to another
GOOD LUCK, and tell us what you will do.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
That is very good advice from MDS. The only thing I could add is that if you want to have them as indoor piggies, you could still use the hutch :) I have 6 piggies indoors and 4 of them are in cages and the other 2 in a 4ft 2 storey hutch. It actually takes up less room than the cages. I let them have floor time every day as they do need exercise, so I open the hutch and use a ramp and they come and go. I have piggy proofed my lounge, so used conduit to cover exposed wires and blocked off any areas they could get stuck in. I put newspaper and bathmats down on the areas they like to hide under, incase they wee. They like anywhere dark and their fave place is under the hutch :)
Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.
Ok, thanks for that, its a start.

I dont really want to keep them in the house, as I dont have anywhere to put them.

I have a garage.. So whats the requirements there please? does it not bother them its dark all the time? If they are in the garage, can I not bring them in for a cuddle?

Please dont tell me I'm not very well prepared, (I know).

I'm getting them a 4pm today.

Any more advice would be great

Thanks again,
It wouldnt be good to keep them in the garage if it is dark all the time. Guinea pigs are awake and active during the day (they snooze here and there) and quieter at night. They would need natural daylight and proper ventilation. Also never keep piggies in a garage with your car as fumes from the exhaust will kill them.
Your best option then is to have them in a sheltered spot in your garden and do as mds suggested. If you know someone who is good at DIY, you could build a car port type thing where the hutch will be and cover that with tarpaulin or corrugated plastic to shelter from the worst of the weather.
lavenderjade said:
It wouldnt be good to keep them in the garage if it is dark all the time. Guinea pigs are awake and active during the day (they snooze here and there) and quieter at night. They would need natural daylight and proper ventilation. Also never keep piggies in a garage with your car as fumes from the exhaust will kill them.
Your best option then is to have them in a sheltered spot in your garden and do as mds suggested. If you know someone who is good at DIY, you could build a car port type thing where the hutch will be and cover that with tarpaulin or corrugated plastic to shelter from the worst of the weather.

Sound advice i totally agree!

Thanks my garage is used for junk... no car in there, lol.

I think I will get a duvet cover and tarp for the night time and the harsher weather.

But, can I still bring them in for a fuss? if they are kept outside?

Thanks once again.
You could but be very careful because if it is very cold outside and very warm inside then the sudden changes of temperature could make the piggies ill!
Of course you can. Just make sure it isnt too hot indoors, maybe have the heating off when you bring them in and you can set up a makeshift run for them to play in. Extremes of temperature are not good for them, so if it is very warm indoors and you put them back out and its really cold or damp, this wouldnt be good for them.
My piggies are indoors so I don;t really know but from what I have read if you keep them outside you shouldn't bring them in in the cold winter months as even with the heating off the temperature difference might be too much. It thinkit's OK at this time of the year but I am thinking when it gets very cold.
Thanks people you have been very helpful.

I will be posting on here as soon as I get them.
Just to add, I bring mine in to play on the kitchen floor- in a make shift run- which opens onto the I leave the door open and we manage fine!
Hi ,can I just add to everyone elses advice...I use heat pads as well for really cold nights,you can get them at most pet stores and on ebay too O0
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