need help.

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elvis is my cavy

Junior Guinea Pig
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys, ive had my leroy for about a week now. hes been popcorning around the cage and seems perfectly happy when my sister handles him, but when i go near him he freaks out? whenever i hold him he bites me or wees on me :( i dont know if he'll ever like me!?
Give him time, they can have favourites sometimes. :)
You'll just have to win him round by taking it slow, talking to him etc he'll eventually realise you're quite nice too! ;)
Just let him get to you in his own time. :)
Aww I'm sorry you're being victimised. Piggies work to their own timetable so you just need to give them time. Leroy might just prefer the smell/sound of your sister (it's not personal!) and so feels less threatened. Just keep talking to him and being gentle and go slowly. He'll come around in his own time :)

Of course, a piggy friend would help improve his general mood - is he alone?
hey guys, ive had my leroy for about a week now. hes been popcorning around the cage and seems perfectly happy when my sister handles him, but when i go near him he freaks out? whenever i hold him he bites me or wees on me :( i dont know if he'll ever like me!?

HI there............:)
Lovely to see you back on with a newbie!
Oh remember to be patient........... time and treats........ :)
lots of gentle cuddles and some chatting......

I hope i'm going to see some pigture soon? droolx)
maybe get a lap pad to stop you from getting peed on? i find that sitting with my timid foster pigs on my knee, not really fussing them, but just giving them green beans and the like till they're calmer helps, then get them used to being petted. but veggy bribery is definately the way forward! no piggy can resist! x
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