Need Help With The Ramp.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2014
Reaction score
Devon UK
I have an indoor double cage for my 2 guinea pigs, it is perfect to fit in the corner of the front room. I have a wood ramp only one of the guinea pigs can get up and down it, the other one stays downstairs. Do you have any tips on what i could do to the ramp to make it easier for the other one to try and get up, also ideas on if i can add anything to it to make it safer as i'm scared they will fall off. They love the cage as its nice and spacey and one spends time upstairs so they usually have a level each.
Pictures would be fab if you have any to share x
I have put wooden sides in all my ramps I think some people use cortex to make sides too. I glued door mats to the floor of the ramp. You can get door mats from B&Q for £1.99. My piggys want use a ramp without mats on it
Hi you can buy this type of thing to persuade your piggy up the ramp. I found that even without a cover one of my pigs went up the ramp immediately whilst the other wouldnt even try.. but after a week or two they both speed up and down there now - it just takes some longer than others to work out how to do it.

Maybe try tempting him up with a trail of veg too.
Fab thanks guys i will have a look and see what i can find and give it a go, that is a fab idea with the trail of veg definitely worth a try x
Yep definitely get a ramp tunnel. Also try to make the ramp less steep - prop the bottom end up on something they can climb up on. Even if it's only a small set of bendy sticks, the less steepness will help.
Trail of veg worked for me with the piggy who refused to use the ramp. He's now the one that runs up and down it as fast as possible!
I'm the same I cut up door mats and glue to my ramp to help with grip. It was the onyl way I got a couple of my piggies to use the ramp.
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