New Born Pup
Hi there - I'm a first time poster, thanks in advance for the help!
I had a pair of female pigs that I adopted from a shelter last year (2 of a large set that came in from a hoarding case). Both girls got along very well, but unfortunately one of them recently passed away (she was quite elderly).
My remaining pig (2 years old) seemed quite distressed without a buddy, so I adopted another sow this weekend (1 year old). I read up on how to do the introductions and gave them a nice big neutral space with a pile of hay. The one mistake I made was having a hidey nearby. All went well for the first 5 minutes or so - some chirping noises but mostly ignoring each other and eating. Then, my pig started rumblestrutting and backed the new piggy into the hidey then all of a sudden it escalated to teeth chattering from both of them (I immediately removed the hidey). I had read that I should let them work it out, so I didn't remove them but it finally escalated into a physical fight so I threw a towel on them and separated them (no blood or injuries). I let them cool off overnight and tried again in a new neutral space today but they started chattering immediately and escalated into another fight within a minute (again no blood) so I separated again.
I now have them in separate cages next to each other in the hopes they can get used to each other while separated and then I thought I'd try again, perhaps with the bath technique others have noted.
Should I wait and give them a few days to cool off and hang out next to each other, or try again right away? Should I not have separated them when they started fighting?
Any other ideas? I'm worried that they have now permanently ticked each other off and it is hopeless!
Thank you!
I had a pair of female pigs that I adopted from a shelter last year (2 of a large set that came in from a hoarding case). Both girls got along very well, but unfortunately one of them recently passed away (she was quite elderly).
My remaining pig (2 years old) seemed quite distressed without a buddy, so I adopted another sow this weekend (1 year old). I read up on how to do the introductions and gave them a nice big neutral space with a pile of hay. The one mistake I made was having a hidey nearby. All went well for the first 5 minutes or so - some chirping noises but mostly ignoring each other and eating. Then, my pig started rumblestrutting and backed the new piggy into the hidey then all of a sudden it escalated to teeth chattering from both of them (I immediately removed the hidey). I had read that I should let them work it out, so I didn't remove them but it finally escalated into a physical fight so I threw a towel on them and separated them (no blood or injuries). I let them cool off overnight and tried again in a new neutral space today but they started chattering immediately and escalated into another fight within a minute (again no blood) so I separated again.
I now have them in separate cages next to each other in the hopes they can get used to each other while separated and then I thought I'd try again, perhaps with the bath technique others have noted.
Should I wait and give them a few days to cool off and hang out next to each other, or try again right away? Should I not have separated them when they started fighting?
Any other ideas? I'm worried that they have now permanently ticked each other off and it is hopeless!
Thank you!