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Need Help With Health.


New Born Pup
Mar 7, 2023
Reaction score
Today, our usually active and responsive guinea pig (Around 2yo, Female) wasn't eating and was lying down. While she was encouraged to eat, she wouldn't. She was very unresponsive but alive.
Every couple minutes she was vomit chunks of spit larger than her mouth itself, all over the floor.
I took her from her cage and placed her in the most confortable senario I could. I messed with my blinds to see her response to diffrent light levels, placed her on diffrent confortable surfaces to see her response, but she was still unresponsive to a extent.
Eventually I concluded that she liked a light enviroment on a matress. I laid down with her and she settled down, cuddling into me, still vomiting, her eyes lost and droopy.
I was fully expecting her to die while I was there, though, I have now placed her back in her cage with her cage-mates, she is still quite unresponsive.
What the hell is wrong with her? I need some form of diagnosis so I know if there is anything I can do to care for her...
-A concerned Guinea Pig Owner.
Hi, I'm sorry your piggy is not feeling well, first of all, do you have access to an exotic vet or the vet E.R. in your area?
I'm sure someone with more experience will be along soon, but the first thing that comes to mind is, did she eat some houseplant she wasn't supposed to by any chance?
Please see a vet urgently.
Guinea pigs cannot vomit so if anything is being brought up then it is because she cannot swallow due to a blockage of some sort.
I’m sorry your piggy is so unwell. Please try and get her seen by a vet as soon as possible. Even if there is nothing they can do at least they could help stop any suffering. I’m sorry. ❤️
I’m so sorry she has passed. She will be popcorning pain free over the bridge. Take care ❤️
I've just found your thread and I'm so sorry for this sad experience. Your girl may well have had some sort of blockage preventing her guts from working properly. The fluid in her mouth might have been saliva she could not swallow. I don't think there was anything to be done except to try and make her as comfortable as possible. A vet visit and some painkilling medicine would have helped her. It was not necessarily something she had eaten - if she had a growth (like a cancer) inside her body it can press against the gut and stop it moving properly. It was just her time.
Her cage-mate probably realised something was happening to her friend so she won't be going round looking for her. Spend some time with her and it will help both of you. 2 years is young for a piggy (my old boy is 6!) so when you are ready it is worth thinking about finding a new female companion for her.
I'm sorry for your loss, take care all of you x