Need Help With Bonding With My Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
New York, USA
Hi all, I have had my piggies for about 2 months now and they are still scared of me. I have gotten them to the point where they will take veggies out of my hands but that is about it. I would like to hold them but it is such a fight to try and pick them up and I do have a fear of them biting me. They have never tried to bite me yet. One of them squeaks like someone is killing him when my husband does manage to grab him. I feel bad when I do hold them because they seem so petrified I feel like I'm just torturing them so I just let them be. Anyone have any advice that might help? Thanks in advance.
Picking up a piggy cuts very close to their prey animal instinct, so it is much better if can train them to come into a tunnel, a suitable cosy or a little padded cardboard box with a lid on. Place a little veg or herb treat at the back and wait a day or so until they are comfy with any new items before you lift them up. Create a ritual by using the same words in the same melody all the time (mine is for example "walkie walkie walkie", for transport to the lawn it is "walkie grass" and taking them back to the cage is "walkie home"). Praise them lavishly at all points.

The squeaking is fear and submission, but not pain. They may relax more easily if you cuddle them under a blanket where they can feel safe at first.
I was using cuddle sacks and at first they went right in there and I picked them up. Now that they have
caught on they wont go in there anymore...I will try leaving them in the cage with some treats in there so they get used to
going in again. Thanks! Guess I just need to have a little more patience!
Patience and persistence - and the occasional gentle tap on the bum (piggy speak for "move on"). ;)
I think one of the best ways to bond with any animal is to hand feed - I know you say you are doing that. Do it as much as you can talking to them all the time.
I do think animals 'learn' from experience too... this might be controversial with more experienced members here, but when I had my piggies I just kept picking them up all the time. Very quickly they 'learned' the experience wasn't going to hurt them. I think failed attempts at cuddles is prob more stressful than a confident pair of hands giving them a safe and confident cuddle (I might be wrong).
Try and find something they genuinely love... mine love having their ears kissed. And chin rubs.
Some guineas will never be very tame no matter what you do.
They are like humans in that they like us are born with different characters some shy some confident.
Of course nurture can to some extend over come nature.
I love them all what ever they are like
Some piggies take a lot longer than others to become tame. I was lucky with my Esme that she was very friendly and didn't make a fuss about being picked up. Her daughter Tia, is fine to pick up as long as you don't startle her- I normally give her a little stroke first and gently scoop my hands round her. Edward we have only had two months and is fine with being picked up, I tend to give him a little stroke first and he just lets you scoop him up. Ruby on the other hand is a little menace.- she will eat from your hands, sniff and lick your hands whilst in the cage - but picking her up is a nightmare, she does laps to get away from you. I tend to wait until she is in a cosey and tend to just pick the whole cosey up.

The two girls we have had since May 2012 and they are by no means completely tame. They are happy to have cuddles on your knee but getting them ouot can be a struggle. It just takes a lot of time and patience, but from what you were saying it seems to be going the right way.
First things first, they will not bite you unless you hurt them or really really do scare them.
Just open they're cage and just sit there by the cage and speak to them, they will get used to your smell and voice. Then out your hand in, don't touch them but let then come and sniff you and see you there. If your really scared of them biting you then just wash your hands with soap so there is no traces of food smell. Just by putting your hand in their cage they will get used to it and realise it's no big deal.
Then feed them food from your hand.
Then just take out all the hidey houses in their cage and just slowly and gently pick them up.
They will be a little bit scared but they will get used to it and realise that it's completely fine.
I know you feel bad scaring them but it's the only way and with this method above they will get used to you very quickly! :)
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