Junior Guinea Pig
I've read the posts on introducing your guinea pigs so I thought I would know what I was doing. Now I've got my guinea pigs together and I'm confused. When I first put them together they seemed fine they were distracted by the vegetables. But then it started to run out and lily, my oldest, walked away and meg followed meg tried to sniff Lily's bum but lily doesn't like when something touches her so ran away it happened a few times then lily snapped and gave one of her warning bites to meg now this happens anytime meg touches her. Then both would raise their chins and meg would launch and that's the only dominant behaviour I've noticed.
I've given them hay and water but they haven't touched the water and ate some hay but lily lay down in a corner meg followed then lily seemed to nuzzle her nose in megs side a bit then lay down again now megs in an opposit corner to lily while Lily's laying down again meg comes over every now and then.
They've been together for almost an hour and I don't know what to do or if they like each other or not.
Please help
I've given them hay and water but they haven't touched the water and ate some hay but lily lay down in a corner meg followed then lily seemed to nuzzle her nose in megs side a bit then lay down again now megs in an opposit corner to lily while Lily's laying down again meg comes over every now and then.
They've been together for almost an hour and I don't know what to do or if they like each other or not.
Please help