Need help potty training piggies


Junior Guinea Pig
May 14, 2022
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Westspringfield mass
Hi I’ve had Guinea pigs a few years now an I have three at the moment and I spot clean alll day is there a easy way to litter train my piggys so there’s ALOT less poop lol hoping there’s a way I can train them I hate having them in a dirty cage ❤️
I wish there was an answer to this as I now have 5!

What cage set up/bedding do you have? Sometimes you can have little corner trays to help but they will never be litter trained xx
I have two girls who poop and pee absolutely everywhere, they are never ever clean!

I also have a mixed pair who live in my living room and have almost full access to it for most of the day while we are in. These two have never ever peed on the carpet, I get the occasional poop, but very rarely. They have a matt at the side of our sofa which they lay on throughout the day and go back to pee/poop inside the cage. I have never taught them, I think I’m very lucky. Their cage is exceptionally clean too, only one corner is poop corner 😆

I really don’t know if you can train them? Rabbit yes but guinea pigs?
I have two girls who poop and pee absolutely everywhere, they are never ever clean!

I also have a mixed pair who live in my living room and have almost full access to it for most of the day while we are in. These two have never ever peed on the carpet, I get the occasional poop, but very rarely. They have a matt at the side of our sofa which they lay on throughout the day and go back to pee/poop inside the cage. I have never taught them, I think I’m very lucky. Their cage is exceptionally clean too, only one corner is poop corner 😆

I really don’t know if you can train them? Rabbit yes but guinea pigs?
That’s the dream! Xx
You can’t train them, but you can ‘suggest’ where they might like to spend time, and place their litter, or fleece there…

So eg when mine are out running around, I put their fleece under a table where they like to spend time - so that’s usually where they pee. I also have a carry box at the other side of the room with Carefresh and hay in - they pee there too. Apart from the odd wee accident - they don’t really pee anywhere else. The poop, on the other hand - just flies in all directions 🤣🤣
I wish there was an answer to this as I now have 5!

What cage set up/bedding do you have? Sometimes you can have little corner trays to help but they will never be litter trained xx
I have a huge c and c cage with fleece bedding an I spit clean every few hours I know they will never be fully litter trained but anything will help lol
I just use smaller liners underneath the more used places like hideouts. It keeps the liner underneath cleaner for longer. I have noticed that my Guinea pigs prefer to poop in their kitchen area more though, I fill it with paper bedding, so you could use those things to your advantage.
Oh I wish there was a simple answer to this! After having perfectly trained house rabbits who never dropped a poop anywhere except in a little pan, I had high hopes for Guinea pigs. 26 years and many, many pigs later I can now say that I’ve never managed to successfully litter train a single pig.
We have hay trays with absorbent layers in the bottom. Because they spend so much time eating hay, they do most of their business in and around the hay trays. It helps a lot.
My three boys will do business everywhere, but using puppy pee pads makes cleaning easier. Puppy pee pads go under fleece liners and under paper bedding. Hay goes on top of paper bedding, and left over hay gets thrown out along with paper bedding and puppy pee pad during cleaning. I hand wash the fleece liners.
I wouldn't say cleaning is a breeze, but it is much easier with puppy pee pad that I can just throw out.
Can't really train them, lol. But it is funny how they are all so different.
I have 6 pigs, & 2 of the sows, their cage is always so clean. They always pee in like 2 spots. Never in their hideys or beds or in the hay.
My boars always pee in the darn hay LOL but they also don't soil under their hideys.
My OTHER 2 sows, they pee everywhere lol no specific potty spots. It's quite hilarious!
My 2 are free roaming during the day and only ever pee or poo in the hay tray under the table when out. When In the cage Boris goes anywhere and seems to like sleeping in a pile of poops. George however only poos in corners and never in " his" corner. The only time we find any in that corner is when he has told Boris off . Boris will then go poop there and move all the humping toys around ! George then has to spend 10 minutes arranging things to his liking while muttering away to himself! 😂
My 2 are free roaming during the day and only ever pee or poo in the hay tray under the table when out. When In the cage Boris goes anywhere and seems to like sleeping in a pile of poops. George however only poos in corners and never in " his" corner. The only time we find any in that corner is when he has told Boris off . Boris will then go poop there and move all the humping toys around ! George then has to spend 10 minutes arranging things to his liking while muttering away to himself! 😂
That’s amazing how different they all can be an hilarious at the same time hahahha thank you so much ! Lulu, Tucker, and Olive all poop all over the cage every day they poop in their beds. They poop while they’re reading. Hey, they poop in their tunnels they poop everywhere I’ve noticed a lot though that they do poop in two corners but there’s poop everywhere ha ha ha I’m constantly spot cleaning every day. 😂😂😂
When we had George and Tim we put the hay tray where they were pooping when out of the cage and both decided it was the place to do it. When we got Boris it looked like George trained him to go there as when he pooped anywhere else he got grumbled and squeaked're right, it's hilarious watching the interactions. George is also the one who figured out how to use the ramp. It was amazing seeing him teach the other 2. 😁
They are all so different. My two girls are the muckiest piggies I’ve ever had. They pee and poop in their hides which are constantly damp. Why they are like this I don’t know, their cage is always damp as they drink loads too. I just constantly swap out small fleece pads and hides in their bedding area to try keep them dry, they are just mucky girls! 😆
So unlike my other two
When we had George and Tim we put the hay tray where they were pooping when out of the cage and both decided it was the place to do it. When we got Boris it looked like George trained him to go there as when he pooped anywhere else he got grumbled and squeaked're right, it's hilarious watching the interactions. George is also the one who figured out how to use the ramp. It was amazing seeing him teach the other 2. 😁
I bought a ramp specially made for my cage $80 ramp and the only one that uses it is olive. She’s a baby she’s trying to show the other two who are two years old to come up to the higher level and they want nothing to do with it. Lol. Miss all of also likes to go up to the hole in the hay rack and sit on top of the hay and push all the hay out for the other two.😂❤️


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I have two girls who poop and pee absolutely everywhere, they are never ever clean!

I also have a mixed pair who live in my living room and have almost full access to it for most of the day while we are in. These two have never ever peed on the carpet, I get the occasional poop, but very rarely. They have a matt at the side of our sofa which they lay on throughout the day and go back to pee/poop inside the cage. I have never taught them, I think I’m very lucky. Their cage is exceptionally clean too, only one corner is poop corner 😆

I really don’t know if you can train them? Rabbit yes but guinea pigs?
My piggies have free run of all out side, (about half a football pitch) and they don't toilet outside, always in"the Hutch ".they are semi wild. Funny to see them run on tippy toes from one end of the garden "the Hutch " for toilet, lol. And new piggies into the herd seems to do it out of instincts.
They are all so different. My two girls are the muckiest piggies I’ve ever had. They pee and poop in their hides which are constantly damp. Why they are like this I don’t know, their cage is always damp as they drink loads too. I just constantly swap out small fleece pads and hides in their bedding area to try keep them dry, they are just mucky girls! 😆
So unlike my other two
Yes, I’ve noticed that my girls are more messy in my boy lol they pee and poop in their beds in their tunnels they poop on their ramp lol but my boy tries to stick to pooping in one area, but the girls still go in his bed and poop in his. Lol.
All of mine use hay trays mainly, but there's still poop in other places. But generally, pee pads in those areas make it easy clean.

Tbh, looking after many sick animals during my lifetime, I see healthy poop and pee as 'blessing'. So getting up in morning and finding poop in all areas of the cage makes me feel blessed to have piggies that have healthy bellies and move around.
All of mine use hay trays mainly, but there's still poop in other places. But generally, pee pads in those areas make it easy clean.

Tbh, looking after many sick animals during my lifetime, I see healthy poop and pee as 'blessing'. So getting up in morning and finding poop in all areas of the cage makes me feel blessed to have piggies that have healthy bellies and move around.
Your definitely right