Need help interpreting behaviour

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Romeo Flahoy

Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
Great Yarmouth
I'm new to guinea pigs (approx 1 month) and I don't know why my guinea pigs (2x 11week sow sisters) seam to be getting on fine one minute and the next thing they start sniffing each others bums and one growls (repetitive ** ** ** **) and one squeaks. They end up chasing each other and it looks like they then start to fight by lunging at each other. Lots of chasing and noise and bum sniffing? Then they can go back to being friendly again. Is this normal for two girls. Should I get them checked out to check they are infect two girls. It occurred to me that one might be a boy and gets excited by smell of other ones bottom. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Hey Romeo! This all sounds perfectly normal to me! Do double check they're both girls but sows will show this kind of behavious too. All animals need heirachy and they will always be a 'boss' so right now they're establishing who this is! I have had pairs of piggies for years and all will be well then they'll have a little scrap about something, a lot of the time it sounds worse than it really is. Sows will even mount so dont worry about that either. The growling is also known as rumble strutting, they'll make a low 'burring' sound and will probably wiggle/sway their bums too! it's all about showing off and both trying to be boss!

As long as there's no blood shed or major teeth chattering (like REALLY loud) i shouldnt worry, this stage will pass. Some pigs will nip as a warning but as long as they're not trying to take chunks out of each other it should all be ok.

Welcome to the wonderful world of piggies! :))
I'm getting a bit muddled interpreting their noises, distinguishing between teeth chattering, rumbling, purring. Not sure if they're happy or angry. It usually occurs during snack time or playtime in outside run. They look very excited and are usually pop corning then quiet then as I described earlier. I just want to make sure they're happy and enjoying their life with me.
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