Need Guinea Pig Routine!?

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Feb 5, 2016
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South England
Hi, I seriously need a loose guinea-pig routine that fits into my school day with a lot of detail please! :D
Thanks, (sorry I know this is short)
Emma x
well all i can say is i feed mine before i take the kids to school each day about the same time (8am) they know breakfast is coming.. I then check on them throughout the day, have a little chat and a stroke.. Dinner time is roughly between 5-6pm and they come out for floor time - sometimes they have their dinner whilst out, other times when they go back in.
not much detail - sorry !
I'm new to this so still working on a routine but it mainly goes...

Start the routine in an evening. At teatime my 8 year old measures, washes and chops the veggies. Half goes in a tub in the fridge, the other half goes to one side ready to go in the bowl.

After tea we do a "big" cage clean. All of the hideys come out and we give the fleece a really good sweep to get all the poos and the hay they scatter about. The hay tray (which also seems to be the litter tray) is emptied and washed and refilled. We fold back the fleece and wipe out the corex with hot water and vinegar in the corners where the wee tends to be. We wash and refill the water bottles and we restock the hay in the hidey and the toilet roll tube (their hay dispenser of choice, unless they are in the tray) Whilst doing this we are hand feeding the veggies, either in the cage, or they are out with the children having lap time and being hand fed the veggies. Once the cage is ready and the kids/piggies are finished with lap time then they go back in.

Before bed I check on them and give them a small measure of nuggets.

After breakfast we do a quick poo patrol, refresh the hay/litter tray and add fresh hay to the toilet roll tube. We give them the remaining veggies.

Over the course of the day whilst the kids are out I give them some lap time, and I have been giving them a bit of floor time too so they are out when they kids get home.

Every 3-4 days we are changing the fleece as part of the big clean and giving the correx a really good wipe down.

Hope that helps!
Just make a routine that suits you and fits in with your commitments - your piggies won't know any different.
Hi, I seriously need a loose guinea-pig routine that fits into my school day with a lot of detail please! :D
Thanks, (sorry I know this is short)
Emma x
Take another ban on this account for breaching forum rules - no duplicate accounts.
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