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Need answers


New Born Pup
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Okay so I’ve had my fur baby for over a month now & today I had noticed a piece of hay stuck in his area , so I gently removed it.. & as I was touching around it to make sure nothing else was stuck in there.. he’d cry a bit.. & I also noticed a swelling as well.. above his area , near his tummy.. is this normal ? Please help me out.. I’m worried
Hugs...I don't have boars so I don't really know, but others here will and the first thing to do is call the vet for an appointment 💕 Hopefully you have access to one that'll see piggies. It can be tricky to find one. Good luck to you and your little guy, share pics!
Okay so I’ve had my fur baby for over a month now & today I had noticed a piece of hay stuck in his area , so I gently removed it.. & as I was touching around it to make sure nothing else was stuck in there.. he’d cry a bit.. & I also noticed a swelling as well.. above his area , near his tummy.. is this normal ? Please help me out.. I’m worried


Can you please post a clear and well lit picture? (Please use the attach button on the left under your post to upload any pictures)

We can only tell you to see a vet because without access to your piggy and your description being so vague, there is no verifiable information to comment on whether something is ok or not right. :(

Here is our boar care guide with pictures: Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Hi, I've removed hay from my boys bits before and he's never cried only squirmed as he doesn't like being held in that position and I'm assuming it's uncomfy getting something removed from there...id take him to the vet to rule out any other issues or to make sure the hay hasn't damaged him as he may need some treatment...plus it can't hurt for him to be checked over after a hay poke...
Could it be his belly button that you felt or may be a nipple? My Edward has quite a prominent belly button. If not, a vet check wouldn't go amiss to see what it is. Any new lump, bump or swelling should be checked by a vet. I often have to pull out strands of hay from Edward's penis but he never cries, just wiggles a little as he doesn't like being held in the position that I have to hold him in to remove it.
If you could take a picture of it that would help us a lot, but if you’re unsure of what’s going on a vet visit wouldn’t hurt