Need advice

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Tommies Mam

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Yesterday my darling piggy Prince Harry passed away his cage mate , Sparky seems completely lost. He's eating and drinking but he's lost his bounce at the minute he's spending his day just sat in his chair other than meal times when he's still as enthusiatic for his meals he obviously can't workout where his friend has gone and is missing him for the first time in 3 years he's on his own at the minute I can't even consider getting another piggy and I don't think I can cope with the stress involved in bonding him with another piggy. What's best for Sparky and how best can I help him through these difficult days. Lavishing attention and love on him.
Spend lots of time with him - maybe give him a teddy or something that he can snuggle up too.
Do you have a rescue nearby that could bond him for you? If you really can't face a new piggy then I agree that a nice snuggly bed and piggy sized teddy would give him someone to cuddle up to. Just make sure he is somewhere that he can see and be around people.
Hi, Ernie is the same since he lost Eric on Sunday. I let him spend some time with Eric after which seemed to stop him from sniffing round looking for his mate when out of his cage but he's not his self. He's eating and drinking but otherwise is hiding in his cage. We're getting him out for at least an hour every day and I'm leaving his cage door open when I'm in the kitchen but he doesn't want to be handled or even chat. He doesn't even wheek when the fridge door is opened :S

I'm considering getting him a friend, but want to do boar dating with a rescue so it could take some time. I also accept the cage I have probably isn't big enough for 2 boars. Eric and Ernie never had any behaviour problems but they were reared together and I don't currently have space for a bigger cage (although hoping to move in April and will have more space then).

Hope your little piggie regains his spark. Sorry for my wittering on!


I have the same problem. We lost one of our piggies yesterday. Our piggie had been in the vets for 4 days and our other piggie seems very sad and lonely.

I just don't know what to do at the moment i am in 2 minds. One minute i look at him and think i have to get him a friend and the next minute i think no i leave him on his own and give him loads of love.

It is a terrible situation
I would like honest answers to this am I being cruel to Sparky expecting him to live on his own?
Decided to get him a piggy friend, have e mailed two rescues but no reply I know rescues are very busy places. Most rescues I know stop rehoming around this time of year so poor lads going to be stuck till early Jan with no friend I don't want to resort to going to pets at home but I don't know what to do I don't want him on his own at Christmas time but rescues don't seem to re-home at this time of year.
i'm so sorry about Prince Harry.
as regards rescues not rehoming over xmas, i always thought that was to stop 'impulse buyers' as it were. aren't you well known to a few rescues, and if you explained the situation....? the other problem would be getting Sparky to a rescue for some boar dating - i hear the weather is supposed to turn again in the next few days....
Best wishes to you all

Just after posting that post Layla kindly e mailed me, I have also pm'd Hels.

That was my understanding as well and thats a good suggestion, I know the weather is going to be against us though if there is a rescues willing to allow me to offer a home to a piggy and for me to get there.
Pleased that maybe Hels can help you out with a baby boar.

Fingers crossed for Sparky and his new friend, sorry I couldn't have been more help at the moment xx
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