Need Advice!


New Born Pup
Jun 17, 2023
Reaction score
New York
I’m recently moving to another country for a year and won’t be able to go back home for a while. My father will be taking care of my 2 Guinea pigs during that time (and he takes wonderful care of them) but the only issue I’m worried about is my Guinea pig nails. My dad is not able to cut them and I’ve always been the one to do it. My Guinea pigs are very well tamed but I’m not sure where he can go to cut them that isn’t the vet.(he can’t afford to go there once a month). I feel super guilty about leaving my Guinea pigs for so long.
Could you see if a rescue will help him for a donation. Maybe ask around cus one vet be it a over 4 years ago only asked for a donation for Mt odibg Mt guineas nails. I struggled with one guinea she was extremely stressed and both me and my dad holding her couldn't get it done, she didn't stress at the vets. Are you close with neighbours cus you could ask if they will help. I look after my neighbours cat and they pay me a little bit.
That's a good idea. If that's not possible, is he able to file them with a nail file rather than cutting them?