Need Advice, Please Help


New Born Pup
Jul 9, 2023
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I have two teenager male guinea pigs that do not get along at all, would adding in an older, dominant guinea pig make them get along since the both of them would not be dominant? Or, would the two of them get along more if we add 3 guinea pigs that are already bonded?
No, adding another boar would not help. An older boar does not mean he will be more dominant, it all comes down to the meeting and the guinea pigs decide then who is “boss”.

If your boys aren’t getting along please do separate them before anything bad happens. Unfortunately a guinea pig pairing all comes down to personality so sometimes no matter how hard we try, there is nothing we can do. Your boys will happily be able to live aside each other if they have access to bar interaction.

Boars also struggle with creating a hierarchy of more than two, which is why unless the piggies are really laid back, you will mostly find a pair of boars. 5 certainly wouldn’t work, even if you wanted to try you would need a massive amount of space.
To make a bachelor group of boars you would be looking at at-least 10 boars and tons of space.

I’m sorry your boys pairing hasn’t worked out but the chance of adding another boar fixing it would be 1 in a million, and I really wouldn’t take that chance with an already broken bond.
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Bonds In Trouble
Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?

In a functioning bond, there can only ever be one dominant piggy. Your boys are falling out because they are both trying to be dominant and I’m afraid once they’ve decided that then it never change.
Unfortunately this can happen when they become teenagers, bonds can break down.

You can’t fix their relationship by adding another piggy (it doesn’t even work in sows who can live in herds).
Adding in an older third boar does not mean he would take charge and your two would back down. There would be one of two outcomes -
- Either all three would clash for dominance, they would all fight and the situation would be much worse. You’d end up with three probably injured and separated piggies.
- The other outcome is that the third older boar would be the lowest ranking in the hierarchy (much older boars tend to be more about happy, content companionship than dominance). Your current two would still fight with each other as they still won’t like each other, and it could potentially lead to the third older boar being bullied by them. You would still end up with three separated piggies.

This is why boar trios do not usually work - getting the hierarchy to function is very difficult. It certainly wouldn’t work where two piggies already don’t like each other.

Your only option now that your two boys do not get on is to separate them and have them live as neighbours in side by side cages.
(Two of my boys are the same - they are both too dominant with each other and they now have to live side by side. They are much happier not having to share a cage)

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Would neutering them both and waiting until they are both older work to minimize any hormones?