Need A Little Help With A New Pair Of Boars Please.

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New Born Pup
Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
Hi Everybody,

I've come begging a little wisdom! I got my first pair of Guinea Pigs last week, they have a 1.5m cage and multiple hides and toys and plenty of food and water.

I'm pretty sure that this is normal but I'd like to check as I can't stand the thought that one of them being bullied. One boy is rumble strutting and mounting the other pretty consistently the other one isn't letting him mount but skittering off and doing a kind of high pitched chittering back at him.

Is it normal and how long might this go on for?

Also I'd like to give them floor time but they aren't confident and they don't trust me yet, would it be more detrimental than beneficial to give them floor time at this point?

I would be very grateful for any input :)
Hi and welcome!
It sounds pretty par for the dominance phase. Mounting and rumble strutting are both mild dominance behaviours, which you have to brace for to see on a daily basis. The screaming and high pitched sounds are submission/"not quite happy about what you are doing" sounds, but as there is no aggression in ot whatsoever, you need not worry.
I would leave off run time until your boys have settled more. it is yet more new and potentially hostile territory to cope with. You can always sprinkle hideys around the run (about a foot apart at first) from which they can explore the run or cover it with a blanket for an additional feel of safety.

You may find these threads here helpful in settling in your boys: see videos for pick up and weighing

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Hi :wel:to the forum...
Thanks very much, I thought it may be something that they would just need to sort out but better safe than sorry.

I've read the threads recommended and they are a big help. I'll definitely keep an eye out for any of the more aggressive behaviours mentioned and I'll hold out on the floor time for a few weeks until they settle properly.

I think I may increase spot cleaning as well to keep the smells from aggravating things as one of the threads mentioned a clean cage can makes things easier. I'm going to go and have a look at some of the threads for bedding as well and see which is best for this.

Thanks :)
They'll be okay, don't worry. My two boars were like that at first, but soon they got to know each other. Hope they get along well, and good luck with your new piggies!
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