Need A Hay Rack.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 22, 2011
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Hiya, my piggys have there own room in the house covered in fleece where they roam free, they have an ordinary cage with a cut out side so they come and go as they please. But to cut down on mess I am looking for a good, safe hay rack preferably not metal as I worry about teeth. Can any recommend anything and where it's from?
There are some nice looking hay raks on ebay

If you google hay rack :tu:
Well if you have C&C grids I would recommend bending one grid and attaching it to something with zip ties but that's metal. But for hay racks at the moment, I am using a Meadow Hay Cookie - box. You could definitely use a regular box and cut a hole in it and hang it somewhere. Most of the hay seems to stay inside and they can't get into the box to poop in it or anything. But there will always be some hay that manages to get out so I would recommend hoovering it up whenever it sneakily appears!

P.S what lucky pigs!
what about a hay bag? Probs someone on here can direct you to a site that makes them. Do you have litter trays? If so put the hay racks under them and you will catch a lot of poops and weas as they poop as they eat.I have used old cereal boxes before I adapted a grid. Just cut a couple of holes in them and bulldog clipped it to my c&c cage.
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