Need a bit of help..please


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score

I had two lovely guineas, adopted together as babies. They were males. Sadly a couple of weeks ago, one died from a seizure at 7 months old. These were my first 2 guineas ever and I'm still processing as he was just so lovely and they are very much part of the family.

He was also the dominant piggy of the pair. My remaining piggy (Alex) was very submissive and sweet in this pairing.

I adopted another male friend for him (Todd) and carefully introduced them in a neutral room that none had ever been in on the floor with 2 hay feeders and 2 water bottles .. no hideouts, tunnels or toys etc. Cage was in a different room ready to be cleaned. I sat with them the whole time and at first they kind of sniffed at each other and then went around exploring the room sometimes together and sometimes separately.

Everything was going well, my older guinea was doing the usual dominance that I did expect as he is older and bigger,(though only slightly given he is only in his teen phase) he was mounting the smaller one etc, rumbling and very vocal. The new boar was just sort of taking it at first, he wasn't teeth chattering or rumbling back.. he was actually really quiet.

This carried on for a while and all seemed okay - my husband cleaned the cage out fully ready for them both later on in the evening and then it all went sideways - whilst still in the neutral room.

My younger started mounting my older guinea and then they started full on fighting. No blood was drawn but they were a whirlwind of fur and neither would back down, I separated them and last night had them in separate cages where they could still see, smell, talk to each other etc.

I'm very fond of both of them and I don't want to stress either by trying to reintroduce as I understand it takes its toll, someone advised me to give up the new one, but I don't see why I should, they both deserve happy homes.

My question is, I have purchased a new cage which is 8 x 2 with a divider giving each guinea 4x2 space of their own. Can they live like this side by side and not be lonely? They will be able to see each other etc.

Both are eating well, drinking well, playing in their respective cages and seem settled right now.

Thanks in advance for any help!
First welcome and I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m also sorry to hear your two boys won’t bond. They absolutely will be fine living side by side as neighbours. This will provide interaction and companionship for them both through the bars and is a perfectly acceptable way for them to live - you certainly don’t need to give your new piggy up.

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?