Near Catastrophe Averted - Stupid, Stupid Owner (me)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
North Essex
I hesitated to post but maybe someone else can be spared if I do

Just returned from 5 days away with animals. Car all loaded, dogs in boot of hatchback, big piggy in box of passenger footwell and little piggies in p@h carrier they arrived in on front seat. Turned away a moment to lock caravan and

Bloody poodle, it was seconds I tell you. Bear in mind this dog has never shown more than a passing curiosity to my older pigs, but she has been very watchful of the babies, especially pip, since they arrived. I would never trust her, but she squirmed thruough the dog guard in an instant to do this. I'm flabbergasted.

Pip is traumatised and was holding up her front paw a little. Vet has checked her out and finds no cuts or sign of a break. Given her anti inflams. 4 hrs later she has ventured out of her hidey, is weight bearing on her paw and taken a little nibble.

Needless to say, me and the dog are not on speaking terms.

Lessons learned
1. Bought proper fort knox pet carrier within the hour
2. Never, ever trust even a pig friendly dog unsupervised for a second. Nature will out even given a glimpse of an opportunity.

Heartstopping afternoon. Hoping pip can settle quickly and feeling like a very stupid woman.
You poor thing, a horrible thing to happen but at least it was just a 'nearly', and all is well in the end.
Definitely good to post, a helpful reminder for all of us!
Hope Pip gets back to normal soon x
I'm so sorry about little Pip :(

One of my dogs goes for my pigs and has nearly grabbed one of them multiple times but I literally have to yank her away from them :(
Blimey what a scare for you. But all seems to have turned out ok in the end.
Oh poor Pip - and poor you !

I agree, near misses like this should be shared .

I hope you and Pip get over this soon.
You didn't expect the dog to get through the dog guard.I have a dog that is way too interested in my piggies so I am super careful.The piggy room is a total no go area.It is great that you have posted this to warn people.Don't beat yourself up about it, you thought they were all in safe places.You couldn't have predicted the dog would get out.
:D Glad to hear that Pip was not hurt. Just goes to show that you can NEVER leave a guinea pig and a dog together. The poodle couldn't even SEE the piggies in the cardboard carrier, yet somehow they triggered his hunting instinct.
Back from followup visit to vet. Pip brighter than she was, more talkative and eating well. foot weight bearing 80% of the time. Vet thinks there is a crack in the shoulder blade as " there is a bit of crunching in there" but is happy it will heal as she is young and light. Metcam for 5 days and "bed rest"

She is generally well and much happier/relaxed.

I'm still not talking to the poodle:td:
Glad little Pip is okay. She reminds me of a bumblebee in that pigture :love:
I'm glad she's all ok though! We have a miniature pinscher. While she is designed to unfortunately kill rats and mice, whom I happen to have a fond liking of, she doesn't seem interested in my piggies at all. I can trust her with my full grown adults since if I stacked 2 on top of each other they'd be her size! Haha! But I would never trust her with any pups or young ones since she can very easily mistake them for rats or mice. I would never trust cats or any larger dogs with any size piggy though.
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